Chapter 38: Drunk

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Barney's POV
When Lee and I walked into Tools the last thing we expected to see was Dani passed out on Tool's tattoo chair and Tool laying on the floor. She has a bandage around her stomach.

"What the hell happened here?" Lee asks

"I don't know and I don't think I wanna," I tell him.

"Come on," Lee said. "We'll put Dani on the couch and get Tool in his bed, or at least out of plain sight."

"Jesus, how much do you think they had to drink!" I exclaim when I see the many empty bottles, that once contained alcohol, on the floor.

"What the fuck happened here?" I here Toll Road ask. I turn around and see that Hale and Gunner are also here.

"I think these two had a little too much to drink," Lee answers. He walks over to Dani and tries to wake her. After a few seconds of shaking she stirs.

"Uhhhh please tell me I still have all my clothes on," She asks, her voice slurred. She's clearly still drunk.

"I see someone's a bit tipsy," Hale comments.

"I am not... drunk," she slurs and pulls herself, none to gently, off the chair.

"Oh yeah? Then walk in a straight line," Toll challenges.

"Ok, I-I-I could do that blindfolded," Dani stutters out. She takes off walking in a extremely unstraight line, and the walks straight into the brick wall. The impacts knocks her back and she lands flat on her ass.

"Barneyyy! The walls being mean to me!" she complains in her drunken state. By this time the guys and I are laughing so hard we can't see straight.

"I'm trying to pissed but she's so damn funny!" I manage to choke out.

"Seeee! I tooollllldddd you I'm not drunk," Dani slurs out.

"Say the alphabet backwards," Gunner suggests.

"F-f-fine. G, C, F, Z, X, Y, triangle, pineapple, strawberry, " Dani hiccups. "Happy?"

"Oh yeah! Extremely!" Gunner says laughing so hard he has hang onto the doorway for support. God this is just to funny!

"Ok, ok, enough fun," I say wiping tears from my eyes "You guys take Tool upstairs."

I walk over pick up Dani, who is now passed out on the floor, bridal style. Dani unconsciously snuggles into my chest. I hate to admit but I take notice to the feel of her body heat through my shirt. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gunner send me hateful look when he thinks I'm not looking. Crankenstein better watch it, I'll knock him into the next century if he keeps giving me looks like that.

I lay Dani's fragile frame down on the couch and cover her with a ratty old blanket. I take a split second to take in her sleeping features. "Great! You're becoming like Tool," I think to myself.

Hale, Christmas, and Toll come back down.

"What are we supposed to do about
her?" Toll asks.

"We leave in 14 hours, that should give her enough time to sober up," I tell him. "Maybe not get over her hang over, but she should be sober."

""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""I don't own The Expendables. No copyright intended. I only own Dani, Tara, and the plot.

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