Friday, June 22

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I'm afraid to write about you because I'm afraid if I start writing about you, I'll never stop.

You seem like a dream and I'm about to wake up.

I can't even start to describe how you make me feel.

How a Snapchat from you makes me smile from ear to ear.

How you asked me to a movie and I turned bright red.

How you call be beautiful and the butterflies go crazy.

How you touched my hand and it felt like electricity.

It's so weird because words come so easily to me but when it comes to you I'm speechless.

Seeing you face to face made me smile for the first time today.

My mom has noticed that I'm happier and it's true.

You've made me so happy.

I don't know have I ever did to deserve you but I'm so happy you're mine.

There isn't a time I'm not thinking about you.

My mind is clouded with thoughts and images of you.

Your cute ass smile and the way you made me feel.

I can't express how amazing and wonderful you are.

I can't begin to express the feeling I got holding your hand in mine.

You just make me so happy and I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

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