Tuesday, October 3

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Only him. He comes to mind at least twenty times a day and I don't know why. He is gorgeous and stunning and all around incredible.

I don't know him but if he was a book I would read every word and memorize his story.

All I know now is he takes second and third period. He plays hockey. His best friend is Luca. He is mostly home-schooled.

He's usually here after school but I've noticed some amazing things while I walk the halls observing and waiting for him to notice me.

His laugh is optimistic, bringing a smile to my face each time I hear it.

His eyes are the ocean, deep beyond compare holding untold secrets within them.

His hat. Oh how I love his hat. It's the thing that makes him stand out. I could walk down the hallway and spot him instantly in a crowd of people.

I love the way his hair fans out in the front and inches out in the back under the weight of his hat.

His cool atmosphere just makes you want to be around him.

Maybe I'm trying too hard, falling too fast but there is something different about this one.

This crush started and I instantly wanted to be his. I don't know though.

Am I crazy to think that he might like me back?

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