Wednesday, May 30

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I think I took a step in the right direction today.

I'm hoping my instagram post will create movement but I'm starting to second guess myself.

First, I saw the comments as positive, a good sign.

Now, I see them as pity.

Are they afraid they didn't do something right?

Did I do something wrong?

I want people to get the right message from this.

In other news, I don't think I'm good enough for an arts school.

Will they accept me?

Will I make friends?

I don't know.

It feels to me that I don't know where this perfect summer is going.

It's going to be fucking long.

I just want to be a normal teenager.

Life just seems to be getting more and more trickier by the second.

I'm thinking of just taking the easy way out.

My dad already thinks I'm a disappointment.

Wait till he finds out that I almost failed ninth grade.

I'm fifteen and life seems harder than average.

Something tells me that I'm gonna have to work hella hard to achieve the dreams I've got in my head.

Until then, I'll have to pray for a better tomorrow.

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