Friday, September 8

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I completely ruined it between us, but there wasn't even an us to begin with.

Why?! I can't even say three freaking words!! I. Like. You. That's it.

Now it's over. I know it. That was a perfect moment but I ruined because I got scared.

What am I going to do? Is there anything I can do? He can't like me.

He couldn't have said that. He always seems normal around me. I'm just awkward and weird.

But my gosh....his eyes. I just can't get them out of my mind. How big they were and how they looked of the richest chocolate brown. It was like chocolate melting and I was falling for him. So hard.

It was one of those moments you can never forget. And I guess I'll never have again. I can't believe I ruined it.

I ruin everything.

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