Wednesday, October 25

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Every time I think of you there is another heart added to my paper.

English. Math. Science. Art. All of it.

The heart are everywhere and I can't escape them.

Images of him pop into my head and they stay there sitting and waiting.

My smile grows just being near him. Butterflies escape my rib cage and take flight knowing he is here.

A single picture, a mention of his name and I fall all over again.


The all the hearts are broken. The images are fading. My smile turns into a frown.

The butterflies are flying away. His name brings me sorrow.

He doesn't like me. Not like that.

I waste of my time and energy but I can't help it. I fall too quick, too easy, and too fast. This one was different.

This one was real and I screwed it up. I don't know how to feel except broken.

My wings cracked and I can no longer fly to safety. My heart wasn't protected and part of it broke.

But it's ok. I'll still see him every day.

It will still bring me pain but every time I see him I still smile, even though I know he isn't mine.

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