Saturday, September 23

8 0 0

I'm am in a constant state of drowning and not knowing how to breathe.

My lungs gasp for air and find nothing but the emptiness. My lungs fill with water until I can only see black.

My heart heavy and my soul gone I cannot help but feel somewhat free from the world.

Broken, torn down, destroyed but still beautiful.

I go to school to get an education but find destruction, judgement, and daily fake smiles.

Now it seems that the weight on my chest is heavier than my backpack full of old textbooks.

You are thrown into a spiral of drama and chaos because you were there.

You suddenly have to know everything otherwise the waves will wash over you and you will drown but then again drowning doesn't sound so bad when you're in so much pain already.

Love is letting them go so they can go love someone else. It's broken promises and empty with no sparkle.

Where did all the joy go? It died. Along with our health and social life.

No one wants us to be happy until we are failing and there is no getting back up.

I hope you like it at the top because killed so many people to get there but how many friends do you have now that you push them all away.

Everything is a double standard these days.

So where the hell did we go wrong?

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