Thursday, October 5

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This entry was a surprise to even me. I had a plan for it all day but I guess plans change.

This was going to be cute and lovely dovey but things change.

I am deeply confused about this whole situation. Why would he ask that? Do guys regularly ask about those kinds of things?

Then he said ok. Ok? Ok?! O-freaking-k. What does that mean?!

I can't even process my thoughts they are all speeding at a million miles a minute. It kills me.

How could you wait for so long? Wouldn't it just kill you to find out if they liked you or not?

I'm trying not to be desperate but jeez and guys say girls are confusing.

Ok. Ok. It could mean so much. It could be oh my gosh I'm weirded out by you. It could also mean wtf eww.

But what if it meant she likes me too.

I just don't know where to go from here. It's just so weird to me.

Where did that come from? It doesn't make sense to me and I hate it.

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