Saturday, September 9

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🖤👌🏻 is typing...
🖤👌🏻: Everyone wants an explanation for what happened yesterday. Well here it is. Why did I run off. Why did I stand there making a big deal of it when I didn't even do anything. The answer is unclear to even me. I don't know what it is. But he does something to me. When I am in class I can't help but hear my eyes begging to stare at him. As much as I want to talk the words disappear into thin air. It's like my throat closes and I can't breathe. I can't understand why it's so hard. But it's a big step. Even though I know he knows that I like him I couldn't help running off. I stared into those chocolate brown eyes and saw that I could never be good enough for him. I never will be. When Sebastian got there I wasn't fast enough to keep up with the group, I would never be able to be there for him. I have all these personal struggles and it would be too much for him, even my best friend thinks it's too much. Why would I put him through all of this just for the thought that he might like me too. I know I shouldn't have ran away, this is so freaking clear to me. Yet I knew he deserved more than the quiet shy girl in the corner. Every step away from where he was like shattering my heart even more and now? I just feel numb because I can't stand to bare the emotions that I am feeling. So why did I run off? Because I will never be enough for him. And that's ok. Because I'm used to being second choice anyways.
🤔🔥🥀 is typing...
🤔🔥🥀: 1. wow, 2. u should be a poet, 3. I talked a lot of ppl outta suicide, 4. I helped a girl get over being raped by her ex, 5. I agreed to help a pregnant teen with her baby, 6. I learned to love that child before it was born, 7. She got an abortion 8. u r a way better person than me, 9. IDK I can handle anything. Also was this about me
🖤👌🏻 is typing...
🖤👌🏻: Yes
🤔🔥🥀 is typing...
🤔🔥🥀: OK look I'm a terrible person
🖤👌🏻 is typing...
🖤👌🏻: Not in my eyes.
🤔🔥🥀 is typing...
🤔🔥🥀: Oh look ur an optimist too
🖤👌🏻 is typing...
🖤👌🏻: You aren't a terrible person Everett.
🤔🔥🥀 is typing...
🤔🔥🥀: Quit it
🤔🔥🥀: stop being nice
🖤👌🏻 is typing...
🖤👌🏻: Why? Look Everett face the facts. I like you. A lot. And I don't know why. I never saw you as a terrible person and I never will.
🤔🔥🥀 is typing...
🤔🔥🥀: I don't like u the way u like me and I don't want to hurt u
🤔🔥🥀: I'm sorry but I don't wanna fake it
🤔🔥🥀: and I'm sick of leading girls on

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