Thursday, January 25

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I have so many ideas bottled up inside my head. I have so many thoughts that I leave unspoken.

What do I have to lose? The friends that I don't have? The family that thinks I am wasting my life?

Maybe that's true. Perhaps I am wasting my life watching youtube videos.

So what? It makes me happy. Maybe it's pointless knowing I probably will never know them. But I don't care.

They care about me without even knowing me and that's all I could ask for.

There are so many people that I try to please, for what?

Attention? Acceptance? BS.

If I am happy with myself, what does it matter that I didn't win the sticker or win bowling. I'm happy.

I have so many ideas for myself because in the end, at the end of my life, I want to know that I've helped someone, even if it's only one person.

That will be enough.

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