Tuesday, October 10

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I'm not sure where I stand today or where I'll be tomorrow but I can't give up now.

I can't sit and watch anymore. I need to do something. I've sat and stayed quiet for so long.

What's the point? I have been pushed around and taken advantage of. But I've always made some of my best friends and my family.

Kindness always comes first. Acceptance needs to come before anything.

I may be blabbering again but I can't take it anymore. I'm much more than the quiet girl in the background.

I have thoughts, ideas but everyone seems to get quiet when I have something to say.

I'm not sure if it's because they are surprised or because they don't want me to say anything.

I have so much built up inside. I have so many ideas. So many thoughts that's are just screaming to be said aloud.

I have my morals but somehow I've let society take control of who I am and change it.

I am a person with my own thoughts and ideas. I will not take no for an anwser.

I will stand up for what I believe in. I will make sure everyone has a voice because everyone deserves to be heard.

I am sick of people having to step into this perfectly straight line and listen to who is in charge.

Everyone has their own place.

Why are we acting like some people don't matter as much as others?

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