Thursday, March 1

1 1 0

I can hear the whispers.

I can hear them talk, trying to figure it out.

Is this what it feels like to be in the rumor mill?

Has everyone already figured out who it is?

I thought the point was to not focus on him.

When people talk do you think they listen and think about who might be listening?

I feel powerless against the rumor mill.

Rumors can't be trusted or is it the people who can't be trusted?

I feel like I'm in slow motion while the rest of the world is moving so fast.

They say that we need to talk to someone, start "the healing process".

Will people ever look at us the same?

Will people care?

Will people stand by us when it really counts?

This is when you find out who is by your side and who isn't.

I just have to get through today.
One day at a time.

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