The plan

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*takes a deep breath*
You: plz dont overreact again...
Hehe~ sorry. Im just surprised that i have 6K reads now😆😆thx for reading and voting this story

You manage to run away from the yandere boy and decided to stay beside Subaru until he's out from the mansion. Subaru protectively looks out for you which made you feel a million times safer.

You and Subaru are in your room. He's staring out the window while you looking at the ground.

'If Yui were here, she could've died trying to protect me. At least she's safe with the others.' You thought.

"So, who's the boy?" Subaru asks, not turning to you.

"He's obsessed with me and he'll kill every boy that gets close to me. He even killed..." Your sentence trails off as a memory filled your mind.

You stare in horror as the boy killed your best friend right in front of your eyes. You got onto your knees and watch her guts being torn to pieces. The yandere boy walks towards you and lifts your chin up with his knife.

"I did this for you. Our future." He smiled crazily.

"You just killed... Her..." You said while tears filled your eyes, making your vision blurry.

"Her? Oh. So I killed her instead of that boy. Sorry but it's her fault for dressing up like him." He said.

"But they were a couple." You said.

"And even if they are, that doesn't mean he can get close with you."

You quickly get up and push him, making him fall onto the ground. You turn to your heels and run to the church. You hate to admit it but it's the safest place you could ever think of. He doesn't know where the church is anyway.

"He killed her..." You said to yourself, still running to the church.

You took the most difficult way to the church in case if he follows. Even if he has a good sense of direction, the way you're taking should be hard for him to remember which could lead him to get lost.

You look behind. 'He's not following me. Good.'

You kept running to the church. "I swear to you... I'll get revenge for you and I'll kill him with my own bare hands. For you and him."

"(Y/N)." Subaru's voice snapped you back to reality.


He quickly covers your mouth. "Shh. I think he escaped the three."

'What?! No way. There's no way-'

Your thoughts were cut off when you heard the yandere singing.

"Three little ducks go 'quack, quack, quack', one stood up and I slice at him, he seems dead so I killed the rest, for you and our future~" He sang as his footsteps grew closer.

Eventually it stopped in front of your room.

"Is my sweet in here~?" His cold voice sent shivers down your spine.

Subaru gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry. You'll feel a bit dizzy."

"Hm?" You tried to ask him but his hand muffled your voice.

The doorknob turned and Subaru suddenly teleported you to another room, making you feel like throwing up. You look around for awhile before finding the rest of the vampires. Subaru lowers his hand but didn't let you go, knowing that you'll just fall.

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