3 more days

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Im so so so soooo sorry about this slow chapter. I was busy for my Choral Speaking Competition and i would usually go back at 4 or 5 pm and i would be so tired that i slept with my casual clothes on. Forgive me!

3 days have passed and you still have not plan the special day thoroughly. Heck, you didn't even know Laito's favourite cake flavour! Suddenly, a bulb lights up in your head. You quickly go and try to find Laito. While searching around, you found Yui spacing out. You approach her and tap on her shoulder.

"Uh... Yui?" You question.

Yui didn't answer so you shake her. "Yui? Hail to Yui!"

Yui finally snaps out of it and she turns to you with a smile. "Yea?"

"Finally! I've been trying to get you back to reality. Anyway, I need your help."

She raises an eyebrow. "Yea?"

"I was wondering if you could help me bake a big giant cake for the triplets." You whispered to Yui in case someone might eavesdrop on you two.

"A big giant cake for the triplets? Oooh. Laito's birthday, right?" You nod your head. She thinks for awhile before agreeing. You hug her tightly until the point she couldn't breathe.

"I know you're grateful and all but... Killing me wouldn't really benefit anyone at all, right?"

You immediately let go of her. "Hehe..." You scratch the back of your head nervously.

"Anyway, when is Laito's birthday?"

"In 3 more days."

Yui widened her eyes. "Let's hurry up then. We don't have much time left and knowing you, I suppose you haven't plan anything yet?"

"Hehe... How did you know?"

"I know you, (Y/N). We're sisters after all." Yui said then grabs your hand. "Let's hurry and get to baking."

"Sisters, huh?" You mumbled under your breath.

"What did you say?" Yui ask, turning to you.

"Nothing!" You shake your head.

Yui decided to ignore your weird behaviour and continue to drag you to the kitchen. You take out your phone (magically) and start googling on how to bake a big giant cake. After finding the perfect cake to bake for the triplets, you read out the ingredients.

Yui quickly finds all the ingredients and places them on the table. You then get all the things needed to bake. Just as you were about to open the flour packaging, Yui stops you. You raised an eyebrow.

"We can do this another time. I want the cake to be as fresh as possible." She stated.

"Oh. Is that so? Alright." You agreed.

"Good. Anyway, what flavour do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of using either vanilla or pandan or chocolate. Don't you have anything on mind? Oooh! What about red velvet? I'm not sure if all three would like it though..." You wondered.

"What about you try to get information from them. I'm guessing you can directly ask Kanato and Ayato since they wouldn't know about this but you have to secretly pry information from Laito though." Yui suggested.

You nod your head vigorously. "I'll try!"

"Good. Oh, and while doing that, make sure to not get caught."

"Oh, my dear sweet Yui. Since when do you doubt me being secretive and sneaky? Sneaky is my middle name." You said while pointing your thumb towards yourself.

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