At the study room

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You had nothing to do so you decided to wait for Yui. After 10 minutes or so, Yui finally gets out from the dining room. You immediately grab Yui and she looks at you with a confused look.

"What are you planning this time?" She ask.

You grin and walk towards a direction with Yui in hand. "Just walking."

"Oh, ok." She said and you two walk around the mansion.

While exploring, you found Kanato in one of the hallways. You and Yui approach him.

"Kanato." Yui called out.

He looks at Yui with a blank expression and hugs his teddybear tighter, covering a bit of his face.

"Yui, I'm thirsty. Get me a drink. What about you Teddy?" Kanato demanded and talked to his teddybear.

You let go of Yui and she walks a few steps closer towards Kanato. You just watch the scene unfold.

"Ah, alright. I'm sure Teddy would be thirsty as well, right?" Yui ask while bending down a bit to Teddy's level.

"Teddy doesn't need you. He only needs me for advice. Isn't that right, Teddy?" Kanato stated and makes his teddybear face him as if it'll talk.

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna get you a drink, Kanato." Yui said and dashes off to get Kanato a drink.

You and Kanato look at Yui until she's out from sight. You then turn to Kanato.

"Nice teddy. Where did you get it?" You ask then you look at the wall blankly.

"Mother gave it to me." He answer shortly.

"Mother, huh?" You said then sigh.

You've never really had a mother before. Actually, to be more precise, you didn't even know that you were an abandoned child until you overheard one of the priest. Till this day, you never knew why and you never intend to know. You were picked up and being cared. You bet not even Yui would discover that you aren't actually her sister.

"But she was the worst mother a child could have." Kanato said.

You were about to question why until Yui came with Kanato's drink. You take a look at the drink in Yui's hands. It's coffee. You raised an eyebrow. Did she forgot or something? Kanato like sweet things and not bitter things.

Yui gave Kanato his coffee and the unexpected happened. He knocked the coffee off her hands until it splashed on Yui's hands. You immediately rush to her side and check her hands.

'Luckily it's not something to worry about but how hot was that coffee?' You thought.

You then take out a handkerchief and dab it on Yui's hand. After awhile, you told Yui to stay where she was. You ran to a bathroom.

~time skip~

After getting the handkerchief wet, you ran to Yui and found her looking a bit pale. You were confused but decided to ask later. You grab her hands and put the wet handkerchief on her injury.

Kanato was still there and is watching you aiding Yui. You ignore him staring and continue aiding Yui. After aiding her, you wrap the handkerchief around her hand. Yui thanked you and apologized for the trouble.

"No worries, Yui! It's my responsibility as a little sis." You said.

"Respon...sibility?" Kanato ask cluelessly.

You turn to him and smile. "It's every siblings' responsibility to take care of each other. Whether they're lightly hurt or not because our siblings are the closest to us."

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