The room and school

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After the game truth or dare (which was super long), you could see everyone's happy faces. For once, you could see that the brothers actually had fun for once and are interacting with each other instead of them minding their own business.

It's currently 12:34 pm and you have nothing to do so you decided to walk around the mansion with Yui. She agrees and you two wander around. While wandering, you two were on the top floor and you saw a door with a lock on it.

Yui noticed it and pulls you to the door. To be honest, you were also curious about the room as well so might as well try to pick lock it. Just as you were about to check the lock, it suddenly burst open and the door was unlocked. Yui took a step into the room but you pull her back.

"Don't you feel uneasy about this room?" You ask.

"No? Well... You were wondering what's in this room as well, right?"

"True but... There's something about this room that doesn't seem quite right." You said and wonder if it really is a good idea to be in the room.

"C'mon. We're just gonna check this room out a bit and we'll be on our way." Yui said.

You sigh, knowing that she won't give up trying to convince you. Must've learned that attitude from you. You nod and you two went into the room. The room looks really old.

There was a book shelf with dusty old books, old gold jewellery, some wrapped up furniture and a balcony outside. You went straight to the book shelf and check it out while Yui looks around, admiring the old fashioned kind of room.

While looking through the books, you found a small book to what seems like a journal. You take it and flip through the pages. There was nothing except for a photo of Yui and her father. You turn to Yui and was filled with confusion when you saw that she was gripping her shirt which was near her chest. You went to her side and support her.

"You alright?" You ask.

She nods and smiles reassuringly at you. "Yea! Fine as ever."

You nod but still doubt her. You then gave her the journal and she took it. She flips through the pages and she seems to read the contents in the book. You just thought that maybe she's just looking at the photo of her and her father.

Suddenly, you felt a hand on you shoulder and you jump. You look behind you and sigh in relief when you saw Laito. He looks kind of... Angry? You didn't know why but he does look angry.

"Uh... Hey, Laito." You greeted him awkwardly.

"Out of all rooms, you had to pick this room?" He ask sternly.

"I'm s-sorry, Laito. I didn't know it was-"

He walks towards Yui, completely ignoring you. You look down and felt guilty. You shouldn't have come here.

"Well... I'm going to go to the kitchen now." You said and walk out from the room.

'I'm so sorry, Laito.' You thought and you walk faster.

Maybe a slice of cake would cheer you up. If there's a slice of cake laying around in the fridge, of course. Once you reach to the kitchen, you took the knife and put it on the table. You then look inside and found a cake. You take it out and slice it. You also decided to take out a pear.

You slice the cake and place it on a plate. Then, you take the pear and cut the skin off. In the process, you accidently cut yourself. You sigh and wash off the wound then continue to peel off the skin.

After slicing the cake and peeling the skin off the pear, you bring the two food to your and Yui's room. On the way to the room, you bump into Kanato. You almost drop the plate when he walk around the corner.

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