Take on Me

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David walked on his own back into the city. Without her it seemed much longer.

{He's going home.}

Chilly and worn he finally returned to the building, and silently entered the elevator, as he always had.

[How old is he now?]
{He's in high school.}
{He's 17! 17 years. He's grown into a very nice boy.}
[Yeah. Boy .*snort*]

David was sweating in the elevator.
I'm hearing voices?!! he thought. David walked out of the elevator and paced stiffly into the hallway. He felt a draft, but it passed by the inside of him too. He shivered deeply.

[Woah wait. There's nothing in here.]

He felt the cold inside again for a moment, and then even more. He jumped like somebody bit him.

[Woahh. Am, am I seeing out of his eyes!?]

The ghoul did.

[Yeah he didn't like that.]

“Shut up,” David whispered hoping nobody would hear.

[… Is he talking to us?]

“Yes,” David said. He stood still. The fact that he actually got a response was frightening him, but he still couldn't believe it.

{... Oh dear. You can hear us? That's not right.}
<Who can hear what?>
{David can hear ghosts.}

Just a part of my imagination. David thought. He continued to walk down the corridor until he made it to his apartment. The door was open, so he just went in and greeted his grandfather. His gramps was busy though, with some Super Meat Boy (a challenging platformer video game.)

/Aw better luck next time Cole\ a ghost responded after David's grandpa failed the level yet again.

[Yo Greener say ‘boo’ at David. He can hear us now]
/That's impossible. Maybe after Cole completes this level I can mess around with you\

“David! You're home early. How was your day?” David’s Grandpa asked looking away from his game.

“Good. We had a pep rally and I didn't feel like staying, so I went home,” David said. His grandfather didn’t ask why he was home early, but David gave a reason anyway.

[David doesn't have a soul anymore.]
{I know that, and am very upset with him}
/NO SOUL??!\
<explains him being able to hear us I guess. What do you think?>
{I think it's a unnatural defense against demons. David!}

David ignored her.

{DAVID YOU LISTEN HERE. If you don't get your soul back literally every ghost in the neighborhood can just go ahead and possess you, and since your body isn't the real you, you won’t be able to resist.}

David walked over to his room and shut the door. He sighed, and decided to comply.

“So there are demons out there trying to possess me?” He asked open minded, but still doubtful.

{Not right now. I haven't seen a demon in forever, but that doesn't mean that you're safe. Ghosts can cause you to take suicide if they really wanted you too. You left your soul with someone who isn't even human. That's very irresponsible you know.}

“Ball isn't an animal. She's responsible, even if she isn't human,” David said.

The ghost sighed.

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