Gone Wrong

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The rest of November was chilled, and all they could do was wait.

“All of a sudden It seems to be snowing every day. At least a little,” Ball had said over a call on her computer.
“Don't expect school to be out anytime too. The government knows how to deal with snow,” David said. He coughed a little, “You talking about winter for the first time makes me feel weird,”

“Why?” Ball asked.
“You're still not even one year old. And I'm 17!” Eavid shouted.
“Considering a human at this age would not even be able to talk, I suppose you could find it strange,” Ball said.
“I forget, Rocky can talk right?”
“Yep. Although he does cease to, most of the time,” Ball said.
“You think that Rocky might be like, a kid version of you?”
“Eh.. I talked much more often than Rocky ever did, even right after I came to life. Maybe that is just how he is,” Ball said.
“Yeah Maybe… You ever wonder about bringing other objects to life?” David paused.

“I have not recently. And, I probably will not bring another to life until I know I can find them a proper home. You won’t always know if an object and their person would get along. Especially if I bring them to life without the person’s consent. It might have to live here! Of course that does not make it out of the picture for an idea,”
“... Ok,” David sighed like he was getting into something he wasn’t ready for.

For the next few weeks they waited for news to strike. The 2 had shaken dreams of waking up to the return of the prisms. The plan had already been laid out.

Ball would ask to return the keycard and observe experiments. It was simple, but could easily fail. Most of the plan was improvising, and Ball wouldn’t have anyone to help her. It was just going to be her, Craeggs, and the aliens, hopefully...


During lunch Ball and Oscar sat across from each other, while David sat next to Ball. Since Ball didn’t eat during this time, she had a book open and ready to read if there was an awkward pause. Rocky sat on the table's surface next to Oscar.

“So, are you guys going to do something about the aliens?” Oscar asked.
“What aliens?” David’s eyes widened.
“..I donno,” Oscar looked behind him to a window, and then looked back in an awkward double take.

“What do you know Oscar?” Ball asked bluntly.
“Something, bad…” Oscar said, “Ohhh!” He looked at a smudged message he wrote on his hand in frustration. It was impossible to read now.

“You are acting really strange Oscar,” Ball said.
“I’m sorry guys. I was gonna say somethin but It’s finally slipped my mind,” Oscar said.
“You said something about the aliens Oscar. Was it something about that?” Ball asked.
“Probably,” Oscar said.
“What do you mean, probably?” David started, “You straight out just asked us about the aliens!”

Oscar tapped his pointer fingers together.
“Well, Johnson told me all about his alien stuff. He kinda ranted it to me,” Oscar said.
David sighed and held the bridge of his nose.

Ball looked outside the window that Oscar had briefly glanced at. She almost stopped when she saw it: the snow was being spotted by someone's many invisible feet.

“David,” she said stiff, “I think we might have a problem.”
“..What, like.. what type  of problem?” David stopped again.
“David!” She leaned in to whisper, “The aliens are HERE!”
“Oh why. Ok, I’ll text Johnson to see if he knows what’s going on,” David took out his phone.

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