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While they were getting the rocks Frederick had his eyes behind the group, and into the sky.
Beta noticed he was looking elsewhere.

"What are you looking at?" She asked him.
Frederick pointed to the sky.
"First star's out early tonight," He said. There was indeed something bright in the sky, but it was barely dark out.
"Wow. Man, that stars pretty big," Beta said.

"That's not a star!" Mrs. Creed shouted. "That's a meteorite!"

"Now that I think about it stars are never that big," Frederick said putting his hand on his chin.
Gabby began to worry.
"Like, what should we, do?" She asked the group.

"Cover your eyes, but It'll probably just burn up in the atmosphere," Mrs. Creed said. They all watched it for a moment.
"Didn't I say to close your eyes?" Mrs. Creed looked at them all.
"I'm closing my eyes honey," Mr. Creed said. He had his hands over his eyes. Mrs. Creed signed.

"Guys I think it's getting closer," Frederick said.
It was indeed getting closer. Too close.
The party started to panic when they realized it was heading straight for them. They rushed about into each other, as the meteorite headed in for a landing.

Unlike what they thought, the meteorite crashed into a pile of trash instead of hitting them.
They all peeked out from a bolder they had all hid behind.
Oscar nervously laughed.
"Haha! We aren't the dinosaurs!" He shouted happily as he looked out from the bolder.

"Let's check it out," Tiffany said.
"Yeah!" Gabby said.
They both came out from behind the bolder, and walked up to the pile of trash. The rest of the group followed slowly over.
They climbed the pile and looked down into where the meteorite had landed.

"That isn't a meteorite!?" Mrs. Creed shouted.
"That's Ball!!" Beta gasped.

It was indeed Ball. She was dazed with her eyes in swirls.
"Ball! Ball!" Oscar cried, but she wouldn't wake up. He looked up at the sky wondering where she came from.
"Wow.." Frederick breathed. He had never seen Ball before.

"Well don't just stand there!" Mr. Creed looked at them all, "Help her!" He took a step closer, but Frederick stopped him.
"Ball is a criminal! We shouldn't help her, we have to hand her over to the authorities!" Frederick said.
Mr. Creed threw Frederick's arm off of him.
"She just fell out of the sky! She could die if we don't do something!" Mr. Creed yelled back.
"What do you expect me to do for an inanimate object!?" Frederick shouted.
"She isn't inanimate! She's alive!" Mr. Creed pushed Frederick away from him. In retaliation Frederick tried to kick Creed in his crouch.

"Guys can't we all just use our words," Beta asked them.
"No!" They both yelled back. The boys were starting to wrestle by holding each other and trying to make one fall over. The awkward part was that Mr. Creed was a grown man doing this.

Beta looked back to Ball, and the rest of the group followed her gaze.
"We should.. we should," Beta lowered her head and pulled her hand through her hair for a second...
"We should get her while she's down," She hissed.
"No way!" Oscar yelled, but he didn't dare approach.
"Oh yeah?" She shuffled over to him.

Mrs. Creed caught Beta's shoulder. Before Creed could say anything Beta pushed her away.
"Don't..TOUCH ME!" She screamed.

Frederick looked over to her. Worriedly, he sunk under Mr. Creed's grasp and rushed over. Creed followed, at first only to chase him.

"What's going on?" Frederick asked Beta.
"Give me a hammer Frederick I'm gonna smash Ball's face in real quick.. before she gets out of my sight," Beta stared at Ball while having her arm reached out towards Fred. Her hand opened and closed asking for the hammer.

BFDI: Golf Ball And The Yoyle Humans 3Where stories live. Discover now