The Source

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At the Diggs house it was still trashed and dirt dusted. The only thing different to spot was a crude carving in the wall stating

“Some places you don't come back the same”

Places like what?...
No man's land?
Doesn't seem to make sense. Diggs isn't old enough to be in world war 2.

Together they searched around the clutter for the secret tunnel Diggs spent most of her time in. Luckily they didn't have to go in to find her. Above the hole was a little contraption with a string in place to pull.

“Pull to announce your arrival.
Take whatever you want, except my diaries and Xbox”

A sign said.

David leaned over the hole and pulled the string.

What do you think it does?
Ring a bell, or some other alarm.
Makes sense.

They waited a bit.

Is she coming, or what?

A hand reached out of the tunnel. It was Diggs hoisting herself out. Ball and David backed up to let her get some room.

“Woo! I thought you guys would be back,” She took a breath and looked at them. She noticed Ball's body being inanimate, “Ok, what's the issue? The nonhuman looks… dead,”

“I'm not dead, I'm just over here now,” Ball said using David’s voice.

Diggs thought about it for a moment, and then just laughed at the situation.

“THIS ISN'T FUNNY,” David snapped. The sudden frustration also moved into Ball's mind making them both huffing mad with the power of chemical emotions.

“Ok doood, what's the issue then?” Diggs sat down in the chair she did the last time they talked.
“Ball accidentally followed me into my body after my soul was in her body, so now her body isn't active,” David explained. He held Ball's body out for Diggs to look at.

“You were in Ball's body!!?” Diggs shouted with interest.
“That's not the point Diggs. Just tell me what the matter is so I can get back! This is all your fault in the first place, so you have to fix it!!” Ball pointed at Diggs in her fit.

Woah, what was that? That was like something I would say.
I can't help being like you in here.
You think if you were stuck here forever we would become one person?
I don't know how to feel about that, but I just hope you don't want that to happen.
Eh, it would be interesting, but you being like me would eventually just be me talking to 2 weird versions of myself. I don't think I could live like that. I wouldn't be me. And everyone would be all like, ‘look at ol David over there. He absorbed his only friend’
Ha, absorbed.

“Uh, Earth to David and the nonhuman?” Diggs said snapping her fingers. They had only been out for a few seconds, but Diggs could tell that they were out of reality.


“Alright I'll get to the point. The nonhuman is dead. So you can't return her soul to her body. She's dead because, as a creature, she is 70% soul and 30% ball. She's not really a traditional being. Her definition of alive is different than a human or a raccoon. She didn't evolve, she was created in a lab using magic and some ooze I forgot the name of. Her soul and all that she is, belongs to someone else. Return her, and her creator can start the process over again instead of us trying to move souls without handshakes or stones. Cause that's really hard and I haven't done it before,” Diggs said.

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