15- What Was That All About?

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Honestly, I do not know what my sister and Blake talked about. I couldn’t hear them well because I was too preoccupied with the fear of the grip of the car to the wheel breaking and send us plummeting down to our deaths.

I heard laughter for sure but that was pretty much the only thing that I distinctly heard. I saw him smirk which meant that he had something evil up his sleeve but again, I was too scared to care. But internally, I was also definitely scared of what my sister had told him.

Reese knows a lot about me; probably everything. From my most embarrassing ones that even I would willingly let the earth open up and swallow me open if someone ever found out to the good ones that I am so smug about like how I learned how to walk at an earlier age than her.

I just silently prayed she only spilled the latter.

After a few more rides, we decided to eat. And I was getting pretty hungry so I wasn’t complaining. Liam had ordered a corn dog while stuck with calamari with a side of mashed potato. Weird combination, I know but I like calamari and I like mashed potatoes.

Blake and Allie met with us five minutes later and we sat down to eat. Allie had fish and chips while her father had nachos, and onion rings.

Just as I placed my cardboard box tray filled with calamari, I heard someone call my name followed by a loud grunt.

“Beth!” It was Marcus calling my name with a girl trailing behind him. She was scowling, trying to pull Marcus away from us to the opposite direction but unluckily for her (and me) he was stronger than her.

“Stop bothering them Marcus! Can’t you see they’re on a date?” I heard the girl exclaim as she continued to pull him away.

“I know.” Marcus grinned at her and made their way to the table. When they finally arrived, I was already contemplating on whether I should make a run for it or not, but I decided on the latter being the good person that I am.

“How’s your date going?” Marcus asked, the girl beside him grimacing.

I narrowed my eyes at him, shooting a glare. “What are you doing here?” I ignored his question.

“I’m on a date with my girl,” he stated proudly and pulled the girl beside him closer. “This is Dorothy, my girl. Dorothy, this is Bethany, my cousin, he’s Blake, her boyfriend, Liam- Reese’s son, and Allie- Blake’s daughter.”

I opened my mouth to correct him but closed it when Dorothy spoke up.

“Hello.” She smiled. “I don’t want to be rude or anything but I hope you don’t mind if Marcus and I leave. We’re bothering your date.”

She looked at me with pleading eyes, as if telling me to agree with her or she’ll blow up in any minute and kill everyone in the fair and we wouldn’t want that. It wasn’t a glare pleading type of look. It was like her life depended on it.

I was on the same boat with her. As much I love Marcus, he could get pretty annoying and I am much surprised how Dorothy could stand him, but I guess that’s love- tolerating the people you care so much for.

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea Dorothy.” I smiled at Marcus mischievously. “I also don’t want to intrude your date.”

“What are you talking about? Your not-” Marcus started talking but his girlfriend cut him off.

“Thank you so much Bethany.” She smiled and looked at me thankfully like I was the god of rainbows and plants.

“Please call me Beth.”

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