07- Can You Two Just Kiss Already?

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I am not a morning person. I hate mornings, especially early in the morning. I’d rather stay up all night than wake up early the next day.

Who likes mornings anyways? I’ve spent more than twelve years of my life waking up early for school, and I was having my own personal time with sleep when Liam decided to wake me up.

“Wake up Beth!” Liam was pouncing on my stomach, unknowingly crushing me. He might be four and small but I’m not exactly big either. “Wake up! Wake up!”

“Why?” I groaned and covered my face with Liam’s pillow. “It’s so early.”

“I have school.” Liam stopped jumping and just crossed his arms, pouting his lips.

Groaning, I nodded and he stepped off me. “Go take a bath. I’ll prepare breakfast.”


“No cakes. You had enough during the weekend to last a month.” I reprimanded him. He ate half of the cake I made on Sunday! “Eggs and bacon? Or pancakes?”

“Pancakes and bacon!” his eyes lit up like the fourth of July, and seemingly so did mine.

“Great choice.”

Hopping off the bed, Liam was already in the bathroom and I was tying my hair in a messy bun. Most of Liam’s stuff were now unpacked but his clothes were still inside the bags. I didn’t dare to let him sleep alone in the guest room although he said he had his own room in their house. I didn’t have the heart to let a little four year old sleep alone. Plus, I have a king size bed so what do I have got to lose?

Skittle and Bruce were downstairs by their corner (I named it their corner since it’s where their food bowls are along with their toys and bed. They were waiting for me, their tails wagging left to right.

After feeding them, I went straight to the kitchen where I grabbed a pancake mix from the cupboard. Ten minutes later, Liam was already down and up on the bar stool with a stack of pancakes and a few bacon strips beside it. I had already eaten while cooking- it’s a habit of mine, so I decided to take a quick shower.

When I was done, I was dressed in my usual jeans and a tank top, my whites hung on left arm with my keys, phone and wallet in my hands. I had already stuffed the dishes in the dishwasher.

“Let’s go.” I called out to Liam and opened the door.  He skipped outside with his backpack. I wish I was that happy every morning.

His preschool was only a ten minute drive away from mine, and an approximate five minute more from Sugar Rush. When the building came into view, Liam was already smiling.

I never remembered being this happy going to school even when I was a kid.

Today I had decided to park, unlike yesterday when I woke up late and caused him to be a few minutes late. I was helping him out of the car when I saw someone at the edge of my eyesight.

It was Blake with Allie. He was stooped down so that he was in eye level with his daughter, and was fixing any strays in her hair. Blake was wearing black dress pants, and a long sleeve button up shirt which I assume is his work uniform.

And I love a man in a uniform.

That came out of nowhere.

When Liam step foot out of the car, he saw what I saw too and instead of visibly checking them out, he left me and ran up towards them. With a sigh, I closed the door and followed.

Blake grinned when he saw Liam and messed up the little kid’s hair. They talked about something for a bit. I couldn’t really hear it and I bet they were whispering.

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