Chapter 20

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As soon as my feet hit the grass, I shifted. I ran and ran, trying not to think about what she would say when she woke up. The way I've taken and changed pretty much her whole life without giving her all the details was selfish of me but I couldn't think straight with her scent around me, with her so near to me. My wolf was angry at me for not staying with her but I needed some time to clear my head and a long run always helped me do that. I ran all the way to the lake. I laid on the shore and watched the sunset attempting to make a plan for when I returned.

It's been a few hours and the girls haven't contacted me yet. I wonder if she is really okay. I think I've been gone long enough. I started to sprint back when Arielle contacted me.


"Arielle? Is Suryah okay? Is she awake?"

"Yes Alpha, Suryah is okay and yes she is awake. I explained things to her a little bit better. She is kind of overwhelmed but I am sure everything will be okay."

"Where is she now?"

"Suryah decided to take a bath so that she had some time to herself to think. She got in about 20 minutes ago."

"Thanks for the report, I will be returning soon."

I slowed my pace. I should give her some more time to process everything especially since I have no idea what I'm going to tell her.


After an hour had passed the water had gone cold and I had cried myself out. I pulled the plug and stepped out onto the plush bath mat. Slowly, I dried my body off and took my time putting lotion on every part of myself. After I slipped into my pajamas, I decided to give myself a through face wash. I got my little spinning brush thing and my apricot facial scrub. I took my time deep cleaning my face before putting on a thick night cream. I used a magnifying mirror to floss each tooth carefully, not missing anything. I brushed my teeth and finally turned out the light before leaving the bathroom.

Walking into the room, it was dark and empty. Somehow I was a little relieved by that. I climbed into bed and curled up on the pillow. Tomorrow, I need to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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