Chapter 6

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I was sitting in my office when I get an email.

To: Grace Rayson; Emerson Sinclair

Subject: Conference

Miss Rayson and Miss Sinclair,

Mr. Clark requests a meeting in Conference Room A at 1 o'clock sharp. Please bring along your schedule.


Jessica Alver

Assisstant to Christian Clark

Harvey Publishing Inc.

I gulp and my phone rings, "Harvey Publishing."

Did you recieve the email?

"Yes Miss Rayson."

Alright, we'll have lunch at the deli beforehand, that way we can move my meetings to a better time.

"Sure thing Miss. Rayson."

Thank you Emerson.

She hangs up and I stare at the clock while the morning passes.

Three hours later I'm walking off the elevator with Grace, schedule booklet, and iPad in hand.

I've opened the booklet and unlocked the iPad when Christian walks in with Jessica.

"Miss. Rayson, Miss. Sinclair. Good afternoon."

He sits down across from me and Jessica looks startled by this as she sits across from Miss. Rayson, normally he would sit across from her.

He looks at Grace, "As you aware Miss. Rayson I've been searching for a new assisstant seeing as Jessica is moving up, and I would like to move Emerson upstairs, and bring in a new assisstant for you."

Grace's jaw drops, "But Emerson is the best assisstant I've had in years! She knows what she's doing."

He looks at her expectantly, "That is exactly why I want her upstairs. She has an outstanding record compared to the other girls in this building. I need someone who can keep up with the job, and she's it."

Grace clenches her jaw and glances at me, "Are you okay with this?"

I shrug, "I'm perfectly okay with it."

Christian smirks, "Emerson and I have already discussed this Miss. Rayson. She'll finish out the week and help set up the new assisstant tomorrow and Friday. Her things will be in her new office Monday morning, and your new assisstant, I think her name is Pearl, will be sitting at the desk right outside your office."

Grace presses her lips together as he skips over the use of her real name again, "That's fine."

He nods, "Good, now I know you have two clients who will be finishing up this week, Emerson can help your new assisstant finish those contracts and teach her how to use the system. But she'll be done by three starting today to meet with Jessica. Is that understood?"

Grace nods while keeping her lips tight, "Of course Mr. Clark."

I watch Jessica smirk at Grace's facial expression and I bite my lip to keep from laughing, "And Grace, if Mr. Harwell tries to reach you in any way, shape or form, decline," Christian says cooly, his eyes dark.

Her eyes widen and she nods, "Of course."

He nods and stands, "That will be all," he moves toward the door and then stops to turn and look at me, "Oh and Emerson, I'll see you in my office at exactly three."

He looks me up and down before turning and walking out of the conference room, Jessica gives me a bright smile, "See you soon Em."

I nod and watch her walk out behind him.

Not with a Fizzle, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now