Author's Note♡

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[n] wow, just wow you guys.

I can't believe that this marks the end of this story. It's been a rollercoaster ride and as cliche as this sounds, it makes me sad that this story has ended but I also feel so accomplished!

Thank you so much to you! Yes, you, reading this right now, you're the reason why I had the motivation to actually right chapters and publish them to the public.

Thank you so freakin' much for the people who take the time to vote for my chapters, it means a lot and I really do appreciate it.

There was a time where I started losing motivation for writing this story but I felt really energized when I saw that people actually liked this, and for that reason, it made me want to write more.

I'll admit, even though my writing is not the best, I try my hardest to come up with words in a chapter.

I apologize if you don't really like this book, maybe because of the plot? The way I introduced the character?

But nonetheless, to the people who do like this book—

Thank you.

Thank you so much for liking this work of mine. It makes me smile knowing that this book is actually worth something.

I probably will be posting extra chapters in the future but I don't know when.

Even though this book is already completed, I have another book that's in my profile! I will be posting chapters there frequently so please check it out. It's an anime oneshots book of a certain anime.


Thanks so much for joining me on this journey and it's been a good one.

Stay cool and awesome.


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