Chapter Thirty Eight

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[n] ayeeee, i updated!
be proud of meh \(•_•)/

Chapter Thirty Eight

Aaron takes one step towards the other, finding it hard to walk with an aura of sadness and depression wrapped around him. He feels as if something precious is being taken away by him, he isn't really wrong with that in all honesty. He fights back tears from running down his cheeks again as he is focused on his destination—the sea.

"Aaron! Wait!"

Aaron stops and turns his head to only see his friends running towards him, even his sister, Melissa.

"A-Are you sure about this?" Katelyn pants as running with Travis carried behind her back was a hustle for her but she endures this nonetheless, she didn't want to leave him back at the hospital.

Aaron looks at the ground and sighs. "To be honest, I'm not really sure but Aphmau's life is in danger right now..." He puts on a determined look and tightens his grip on Aphmau's body. "..So it's worth the shot." He continues walking on the path that leads towards the sea.

"We're coming with you!" He hears Melissa yell behind his back, he doesn't bother to give a reply as he hears the rustling of their footsteps. Even if I disagree with their decision, they're going to come with me anyway. So there's no point on leaving a reply. He thinks.

He finally catches a glimpse of the sea and he couldn't help but hurry, who knows how much time Aphmau has left. He takes a look down to see Aphmau's state. Horrible. Her state looks worser than before. You could practically tell how much pain she's in. Her face is twisted in a state of absolute pain, her body is shivering even though she feels so hot, and her legs are covered with scales.

They finally reach the sea.

Come closer to the sea.

"That voice.." Katelyn mutters under her breath. "It was the voice once again."

Aaron obeys its command and walks towards the sea, he didn't care whether his clothes are going to get wet, none of that matter to him at this time.

"Aaron, be careful." Melissa says to nobody in particular as her heart beats rapidly, worried for her little brother's life as he is the only family she has.

"Ugh," Katelyn hears a voice behind her ear. Her eyes widen as she feels Travis beginning to stir up. Travis' eyes slowly open and he rubs his head.  "T-Travis! You're awake!"

"What in the name of Irene just hap—"  He stops as he realises the state he's currently in—being carried by Katelyn behind her back.

"Ah, uhm..!" Travis jumps backwards and Katelyn lets go of him. She notices his cheeks are glowing a dark shade of pink.

"You okay?" She asks calmy, extending a hand to help him up.

"Y-Yeh." Travis takes her hand and stands up. That's when he notices that they're currently by the sea shore. "What are we do—" He stops what he's saying as he sees a figure going towards the sea. He furrows his eyebrows as that figure is familiar to him, and that figure seems to be holding someone. Travis' eyes widen.

"Aaron?!" It comes more out like a question than a exclamation.

Aaron can't really hear this as he's focused too much on the voice, the voice said to go closer to the sea. He hopes that he's doing it right. He feels the seaweed, corals, and rocks hurting his feet but it doesn't really matter to him. He continues walking.


His body stops, just like the voice said. Just then, a woman appears in front of him from below the surface. Aaron's eyes widen at the sudden action, but he still manages to hold Aphmau firmly. He couldn't help but notice that she also has a tail, like Aphmau.

"Damn, that woman looks hotttt." Travis blurts out without even thinking which causes the group—Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and even Melissa— to glare at him.

"Don't be afraid." The woman says as she looks at Aphmau with concerning eyes, her lips part away as she realizes Aphmau's state.

That voice. It sounds familiar. Aaron thinks and he realizes something. "Are you that voice?" He asks and the woman in front of him nods. She doesn't look like she's lying.

"Do you know her?" Aaron inquires in a serious matter, referring 'her' as to the girl he's holding—Aphmau.

"Yes, I do." The woman answers as she looks into Aaron's eyes. "In fact, I'm her friend." She adds.

Aaron's mouth comes out dry. He wants to ask some questions and he wants answers but his mind is failing him.

The woman raises her chin up and crosses her arms on her chest.


"My name's Lucinda and I'm taking Aphmau back with me."

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