Chapter Twenty One

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Edited: 4/25/18

Chapter Twenty One

"Who's there?" He asks.

He starts to hear footsteps slowly walking towards him. He focuses his direction on where he believes the footsteps are coming from. Then, a figure starts to come to view. His eyes widen at the sight before him.

This is unexpected.

"Zack." Aaron mutters under his breath. The brown haired man in front of him starts to walk towards him, with a smirk on his face.

"Well, well. Nice meeting you again, Aaron." Zack says and he crosses his arms over his chest.

Aaron icily glares at him. "What are you doing here?" He asks without hesitation. Aaron thought that he must be at his own house but looks like he's not.

Zack chuckles. "I think I should be the one asking you that, Ultima." He says as he slowly lets his arms rest beside him.

"Grr," Aaron's breathing gets heavier. His eyebrows furrow in rage. Words can't explain how he hates this man in front him.

"Aw, did I hit a nerve already?" Zack says as he gets something from his back pocket. A gun. "Now Aaron, it's my time to ask you." Aaron raises an eyebrow at his choice of words. "Why are you here?"

Aaron takes a deep breath as he attempts to calm himself down. "I'm just passing by this road," He starts. "Last time I checked, that's what roads are made for."

Zack laughs as he still has the gun in his hand. "I'm not stupid, you fool!" He says as he gives Aaron a glare. "I know that barely any people pass by this road! And plus, this road leads to nowhere other than my house!" He finally finishes.

Aaron curses to himself as he realizes that he's been caught but he attempts to act all natural.

"Now tell me," Zack says as he takes one step forward. "Why are you heading to my house?" He lets out.

Aaron knows that there's no getting out of this one heck of a situation so why not tell him why he's been heading towards his house? He's still going to find out the reason anyway.

"I wanted to get something from you." Aaron says as he notices Zack raise an eyebrow.

"And what is that?" Zack asks curiously but he's still keeping his guards up.

"The potion that Ein gave you." Aaron says as he remembers Aphmau's presence being temporary. He clenches his fist at the thought of Aphmau being gone in a few days. "Where is it?" Aaron asks in a tone that no human should interfere with.

Zack smirks as he starts to ready his gun. "Do you think I'm stupid to just give it to you easily?"

"I SAID, WHERE IS IT?!" Aaron yells which causes Zack to flinch a little but he brushes this away.

"Tch, stupid ultima." He says as he didn't give Aaron time to notice what he's doing. Zack aims the gun towards him and...


"No! Aaron!" A voice is heard from not so far away, a voice that's all too familiar to Aaron.

Another cliffhanger! ;)
*evily laughs*
I think all of you already know who this 'voice' is, it's too obvious lol.

By the way, this book is nearing its end. Maybe like 6-8 chapters more, i'm not really sure 😂.

Do you have a question for me? Then ask! I'm planning on making a Q&A chapter when this book ends.

Don't forget to VOTE!⭐️


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