Chapter Forty

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[n] before you guys continue, i just want to thank each and every one of you for a whoopin' 1k votes on this story! I can't believe this book is actually gaining that much •^•.

Thank you to those who ALWAYS votes for each of my chapter! I swear you guys bring a smile to my face! And to the people who takes the time to comment, thank you. -cries-

Chapter Forty

Aphmau opens her eyes ever so slightly as she feels a change in her atmosphere. Her eyes are fully opened now and she couldn't help but take a look around.


She's back at Phoenix Drop and from the looks of it, she could tell that she's in her bedroom as the familiar sight of her purple coral bed which she's sleeping on catches her eyes.

"W-What the? What happened..?" She asks to no one in particular. She didn't remember going back to Phoenix Drop. She wants to believe that this is just a dream but she can't fool herself.

She forces her body to sit up and by seeing her tail once again, she knows that this isn't just a dream. It's reality.

"Aphmau," She turns her head and spots Lucinda who was beside her bed all this time. Aphmau's eyes widen. "L-Lucinda?! B-But how di—"

"I brought you back here." Lucinda says as she looks down.

Aphmau's lips part a little at disbelief. "N-No.." She whispers. "I didn't even say goodbye! Lucinda you have to bring me back!" Her heart aches as she feels the tears starting to come, she tries to get up but..

"Aphmau!" Lucinda holds her down before she could move any further. "You were dying!" Lucinda states to her clearly. Aphmau just blinks as she finds herself speechless.

Her heart starts to ache. She badly wants to see him again. Just one more time.

"Aaron.." Aphmau softly mutters to herself as she feels the tears spilling, but it quickly dissolves with the water all around her.

Just then, she hears the sound of someone swimming through her door. She turns her head and sees her dear mother.

Queen Sylvanna.

"Queen Sylvanna," Lucinda bows her head down. Sylvanna acknowledges this and lets her raise her head up again. "Lucinda, can you please leave us? I need to talk to her." She asks her politely. Lucinda nods and obeys. She leaves the room without further questioning.

"Mom.." Aphmau couldn't help but be glad to see her mother again. She misses her so dearly and being able to see her again was a feeling that brings joy to her heart.

"Mija.." Queen Sylvanna has a soft look on her face and a slight smile makes its way to her lips. "Come here Mija," She opens her arms out and without hesitation, Aphmau quickly goes towards her mom and hugs her tightly.

"I'm sorry Mom." Aphmau's voice cracks as she feels her mother's grip around her tighten. "I know. It's okay." Her mother replies with a comforting tone. Soon enough, they both pull away from each and her mother's the first one to speak. "But I need an explanation, Mija."

Aphmau sniffs and nods. Her mother leads her to her coral bed and they both sit on it. "Now tell me all about it." Her mother says as she's all ears. Aphmau bites her lips but it doesn't take too long for her to open her mouth.

"This boy once saved me..."

Aphmau starts to tell her mother about all the things that took place when she left the kingdom of Phoenix Drop. Starting from the point on where she's captured by those pirates to the point on where she fell unconscious. She even told her mother about her father, Zack.

"Oh Mija," Her mother suddenly hugs her. "I'm so glad Lucinda brought you back." She says but pulls away the next second. "But you're grounded."

"Okay." Aphmau says with no emotion. To be honest, she can't find the motivation to talk right now.

"Aphmau, what's wrong?" Her mother asks in a concerned matter.

Aphmau looks at her mother and hesitates before telling her. "Mom, I miss him." She starts. "I want to go back." She adds.

"No." Sylvanna says without stopping. "You can't go back up there! You're gonna get killed this time and I will not allow my only daughter to go back up there again!" Her mother belts out. Aphmau's eyes widen at her mother's sudden change of tone.

Sylvanna calms herself down and takes a deep breath. "S-Sorry for shouting."

"It's alright."

Aphmau's heart feels empty without him by her side. She lets herself lie down on her bed.

"Mija, are you okay? Do you feel sick?" Her mother asks her and she senses her change of attitude. "No. I'm okay. I just want to rest." She states and closes her eyes to convince her mother that she's tired, but in all honesty, she just wants to have some time alone.

"Okay then. I'll check back with you later." She goes near Aphmau and kisses her on her forehead. After that, she then leaves her bedroom.

Aphmau opens her eyes when she senses that she's all alone inside her room and with that, she sobs.

She sobs quietly.

Because she didn't want them to know that she's hurting inside.

"I miss you, Aaron."

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