Chapter Thirty Two

869 32 14

Edited: 4/26/18

[n] HAI GUYSSS. (and girls)
i'm not dead, don't worry. i'm so sorry for not updating for almost 3 weeks, mainly because of writer's block, laziness, and school.

and AHHHHH! 13k readsss! thank you so freakin muchhhh, it means a lottttt!!thank you so damn much.❤️

anyways, hope y'all like this chapter, don't forget to leave a vote to keep author~chan motivated! yay!

[note]: oh and btw, this chapter starts (with aaron's perspective) when he left aph's room to go downstairs.

Chapter Thirty Two

Aaron closes the door with a thud, hearing Aphmau's muffled cries on the other side of the door just made his heart break into tiny little pieces.

He sighs, as much as he wants to stay with her, he knows that he's responsible for what's currently happening downstairs and he feels like it's his duty to at least put a stop to this.

thump thump thump

Aaron's footsteps can be heard in the corridor since, as surprising as it gets, it's actually quiet.

Maybe they already left?

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at the stairs that are below him,  he walks down each step one by one.

thump thump thump

His footsteps can be clearly heard, which might alert whoever is downstairs, but Aaron didn't really care anymore, he just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible.

He finally makes his way down the stairs and that's when he catches sight of them.

"Zack, Ein."

Evil, cruel, and selfish are the words that best describe them in his case.

"Well, Well..." Zack says as soon as he sees Aaron. "If it isn't my favorite ultima, Aaron!" He fakes a smile, a smile clearly forced and plastered on his face like a mask.

Aaron scowls and diverts his attention from Zack and now to Ein, his back is currently facing Aaron and he clearly notices that Ein has his hand encircled around someone's neck, a hostage perhaps.

Ein slowly turns around, a smirk clearly visible on his face as he holds a gun that's pointed at his hostage..

Aaron's eyes widen as he realizes who the hostage is...

"M-Melissa?" His voice barely comes out as a whisper, it's like all air is taken out of his system and now, there's no air to breathe anymore.

"A-Aaron.." Melissa chokes out as a single tear makes it way down her cheek. "Leave me be, go escape." She says straight into his eyes.

"Shut up, you dog." Ein scowls at her as he tightens his grip around her neck with his arm.

"You bastard," Aaron says as he feels a dark aura starting to surround him. "You will pay for what you did to my family." He tightens his fist into a ball.

"Aaron," Melissa says but Aaron doesn't listen.

"YOU WILL PAY!" He feels something growing on the top of his head but he ignores this.

"Aaron.!" Melissa says once again.

"Gggrr." He feels as if he's changing but he doesn't care, his eyes are pointed straight towards Zack and Ein.

"A-Aaron! Stop! Your eyes! Calm down!" Melissa tries to say but she chokes as Ein tightens his grasp on her.

"Hahahahaha!" Zack laughs as he gets his gun ready. "So that's how you trigger an ultima." He smirks as he points a gun at Aaron.

"All descendants of Derek Lycan must die," Zack says in an angry tone. "He will pay for what he did to me, hahahahha!"

Without any hesitation, Zack pulls the trigger, Melissa's eyes widen.

It's like everything is in slow motion. The bullet slowly coming in contact with Aaron's body, and Aaron's too out of control to do something.

The bullet is about to make its piercing way right through Aaron's body but then, Aaron feels himself slowly being pushed by someone else.

He then crashes into a wall and this seems to drive him back into his senses as he feels his eyes turning back to normal. He blinks.

And in a matter of seconds, his eyes widen. He turns his head to see the person who pushed him, the person who's currently on the ground, bleeding, unconscious, and probably not breathing...

Aaron's breath hitches as he feels his knees giving out on him.


[n] i smell death. ;)

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