Chapter 1

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Your POV
Hi I'm Y/N. I'm Captain Hooks daughter I'm 17 and I lived with my father all my life. But  we have a problem; The son of the Savior and the Evil Queen is kidnapped to Neverland. And my Dad is going to help them save him but......

"Dad come on I'm the best fighter you have! And Henry is my friend I can't just let him down" I told my father after he said I had to stay in Storybrook. "No Y/N, you are not coming with us to Neverland its to dangerous" he said. "Let me guess because of Pan? Look dad I'm not afraid of Pan or his Lost boys! You have to take me with you!" I shouted at him. "Hook we have to go Henry is waiting!" Emma said. I looked at my Dad with puppy eyes. "Alright! But you have to do exactly as I tell you got it?" I nodded. "Okay let's go then! To Neverland" Rumpelstiltskin told my father. I hated Rumpelstiltskin he killed my mother right after my birth but I have to do what my father tells me to do so I can't kill him. The evil queen came up to me "Thank you that you want to help get Henry back." She said. "Of course Henry is my friend I'm not letting him down especially if there is an option to help." Regina nodded and then walked back to Snow white. I looked at the water below. Then I smelled something "We're here!!" I yelled "Neverland!".

Everyone looked up and saw the island.
"How did you know that so fast you were looking at the water" David asked. "Because I know what is terror and that my friend is the territory of a demon." I told him. "Y/N come here for a second" My father called me. I walked up to him. "You have to do something for us" my father said. "Whatever it is I do it!" I told him. "You have to turn into a boy. Once you did that you can come into Pans camp. Become one of them and once he trust you you can bring us in and then we save Henry" My father told me. "Hook I don't think she wants to....." Emma said before I cut her off "I do it! That way we save Henry" I told them all. "You really want to do this?" Snow asked me. "If it saves Henry? Yes I do. But how are you going to turn me into a boy?" I asked. "With magic. It won't be forever that's why you have hurry. The spell workes 2 weeks and then its over." Rumpelstiltskin told me. I nodded "Okay so in 2 weeks I have to be a lost boy that Pan can trust got it" I told myself.
Time skip
I looked at myself in the mirror I was a boy. What magic can its time to save Henry! I walked upstairs and said goodbye to everyone. "Y/N please be careful with Pan" my father told me. I hugged him "I'm going to be okay dad" I let him go and walked off the ship I to the jungle of Neverland

Hey guys I hope you liked the first Chapter. Love you all

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