18-What if we

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With a only a few days before The Reflection Tour, the girls were bombarded with interviews and appearances. While the girls were getting ready, Dinah couldn't keep her eyes off of Y/n. The way her top hugged her perfectly, the way her jeans curved with her body showing off her incredible ass and the way a waterfall of black waves cascaded down her back; Dinah was in infatuated by her, although she would never admit it to Y/n.

The girls were called in to be seated for their interview and it was just Dinah's luck, that she was seated in the middle with y/n on her left. Throughout the entire interview, Y/n hands would 'accidentally' bush against Dinah's thigh, or she would 'accidentally' snake her hand around to Dinah's waist and run her fingers up and down the exposed skin of Dinah's back. Dinah was completely unfocused, all she could think about was touching Y/n in places you shouldn't touch your 'friends', she thought about how Y/n's lips would feel against hers but mostly she thought about how Y/n would taste in her mouth and how she would look beneath Dinah while she was coming undone. Dinah's absentmindedness went unnoticed by everyone except for her right hand man, Camilla. Camilla has always known that Hansen had a thing for her little sister, before she even admitted to it.

When the interview had finished, Y/n put her hand on Dinah's upper thigh and squeezed it as she stood up, smirking as she walked away. Dinah threw her head back in frustration, then stood up to follow Camila to the bathroom. She pushed her way though the door of the surprisingly pristine bathroom, huffing in annoyance.

Camilla looked up in the mirror to see Dinah leaning her head against the way with her eyes closed. "What's up Dj? You good?" Camilla went back to applying her lip gloss.

"No, I'm not okay. Did you see what just happened in there?" Dinah's voice rose as she used her hand to signal where they were just sitting for the interview.

"No I didn't? Was I suppose to see something?"

"Y/n! She's purposely doing this to me! I know she's getting a kick out of it." Dinah covered her face with both hands and slowly dragged them down.

"Y/n is just a touchy person, I should know. She does it to me all the time."

Dinah shot Camila the death glare and Camila chuckled at her best friends response.

"Yo, I'm joking. I just wanted to see your face." Still laughing. "Why don't you go get her, take her back to your hotel room and fuck her senselessly. You clearly need it, you've been a little bitchy lately."

Dinah scoffed at Camila's words. "No I have not! And I can't just do that, as amazing as it sounds."

The girls continued talking about Dinah's sexual frustrations with Y/n, not knowing that Y/n was on the other side of the door listening to every word. She smirked to herself as she walked away from the bathroom door and began to make her way to the hotel.

"Where you going little Cabello?" Ally asked as she saw
Y/n walking passed her in a hurry.

"Hotel. I wanna lay down before the next interview." She explained while still walking out, not once turning around to meet Ally's eyes.

Y/n had managed to get an extra key for Dinah's hotel room. As soon as the elevator stopped on their floor, y/n ran into Dinah's room and immediately stripped down to her matching black lace set. She went into the bathroom, turned on the shower as hot as it would go and wet her hair completely. Dinah was going to love this.

Dinah left the interview not long after Y/n and made her way back to the hotel as well, completely unaware of what was waiting for her. Once of her floor Dinah let out a deep sigh and started into her room.

As soon as Y/n heard Dinah coming through the door, she turned off the shower and messed her wet hair up a little.

Dinah now inside her hotel room saw clothes that didn't belong to her sprawled out on the floor. She looked up to see the bathroom light on, confused she headed towards the door.

The closer the footsteps got, the more anxious Y/n was getting. When the footsteps stopped, Y/n opened the door steam from the shower escaping.

All that Dinah saw was steam and black lace. Once the steam dispersed inside the rest of the room, her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Her mouth went agape.

"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to fuck me senselessly."

No fucking way, Cabello..

Honestly I have just been trying to meet update schedule. I have like 5 different ideas to finish writing but my other books take most of my time. But since this my most liked book I gotcha. Every Tuesday or Thursday

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