8-Questions for You

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Normani is turning 19 soon and she invited me and Dinah to her party. Dinah was just getting home when i got the text from Normani. "Hey babe how was your day". She looked at me a little annoyed and just walked into the bedroom. I followed her into the bedroom as she layed on the bed. "Normani texted hun and she is inviting us to her party". She rolled her eyes and just went to the bathroom"No dur y/n i fucking work with her why wouldn't she invite me". She closed the door and turned on the shower.

What is wrong with her did i do something? Did something happen today? I was sitting on the bed in deep thought when Dinah came out of the bathroom. She did not say anything to me the rest of the night. Which is weird she usually wants to talk my ears off. I try to make her talk to me first by starting conversations but she would shut me down 2 minutes into it. Then i tried to play with her she would always move away. I gave up no because i was getting tired. I crawled into bed and soon did Dinah. (low key was about to put Lauren) As she was about to close her eyes i whispered softly "Are you cheating on me"? Her eyes opened wide and looked puzzled. "What did you say"? I closed my eyes and flipped over. "Nothing". I shut my eyes and soon fall asleep.

The sun it was now shining in my face and the bed it was empty like always ever since that night. She tried to cover it up the next day when she got home she wold hug and kiss me i thought everything was ok but i was wrong. Normani's party is tonight i decided not to go. I was not in the mood to put on a fake smile for people i don't even know.

"Ok babe im ot see you later". Dinah walked up to me kissed my cheek and left. I sat at home for about an hour until i got a text from Normani.

ManiBear: Hey boo where you @?

Y/n: I decided not to go.

ManiBear: y? Dont you want to wish me a happy birthday all the gurls are here and wanted to hang.

they really want me there i always thought they just talked to me because i was Dinah's girlfriend. I soon was smiling at the thought.

y/n: Oh well i dont know i may just pop in for a song.

ManiBear: YEAH thanks y/n

I got up and started to get ready i wore a gold dress Normani bought me once. i suppose to save it for a special night with Dinah but i dont think we are going to get that special night.

I was in my car giving myself a peep talk you got this you are going to go in there and you are going to say happy birthday to your friend and you are going to socialize with people. I get out and make my way to the party. I spot Normani and we hug as if we have not seen each other in forever. "Omg its been like forever y/n you look great". She spins me around and then smiles. "Me look at you 19 how does it feel"? She just shrugged her shoulders. "You have to take some pictures with me and then we have to hit the dance floor". I just go along with it. I had fun we meet up with the other girls and they all got in on the photo Lauren and Camila were so sweet to me the whole time. They all made me forget about home. We laughed and giggled and soon we're on the dance floor.

"So y/n why didn't you come with Dinah". My smile soon faded and i explain a little to the girls and they cheered me right up. We danced like no one was there and soon they played one of Normani's favorite songs. I sat this one out and sat at there table. I order a drink and went to text Dinah that i was here but i saw her.

She was not alone she was dancing on Zendaya not just any dancing. the type of dancing you do when your fucking someone. I watch in disbelief but then they kissed . Tears ran down my face as they stayed connected."Y/n what's-" I felt Normani's hand on my shoulders. "I knew it she's cheating on me". I was feeling weak like i was going to fall. Normani grabs onto me and gives me water. "Its going to be ok y/n im going to go get your coat and Lauren will take you home. Now Camila toke the place of Normani and held me. I cried into her and then pulled myself together. "I'm ok now Camila you can go". She looked unsure. I stood up and went to the table Dinah was at i got out key and placed in front of her. "You can ha your key back maybe she wants it. I be there tomorrow to get my stuff". She tired to get up but i stopped her "You know i thought you were cheating but i put so much faith n you that i ignored it i guess i was wrong you played me like a fool, i gave you my hear and soul and you do this". I meet Lauren in the car and just as i got in Dinah was yelling my name.

"Why Dinah why don't you care"?

Dinah Jane Hansen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now