7-Officer Hansen

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It was my 19th birthday party and Ally, Camila, and Lauren decided they are going to plan my coming of age. From what Lauren has said and i quot "You wont want to miss this there will be music, food, and my personal favorite strippers". the moment that felt her mouth i knew i was in for it.

"Lauren why cant this just be a sleepover with the girls? We could stay up watch a movie, tell stories, braid each other's hair." i tried to convince Laur to do something else but she had her mind set to it.


"Wear something nice ok Y/n. Not one of your old lady outfits". You know that's a bad reputation to have you wear one sleep gown to a slumber party and you are marked for life. As i was getting ready i found this old dress my mom gave me it was red and short with a sweetheart neckline. It was in a box these sliver pep toe heels. I walked over to the mirror seeing if i looked descent when Lauren walked in. "Thank you Y/n you finally found something that is from this century".

I roll my eyes at her and walk into the bathroom. "Are you going to do my make up or what Laur". She rushed in and started on my face when she was done she stood back and smiled. "You look beautiful mija". I looked and smiled at her. She had a few tears in her eyes. "Dont cry Lauren its just make up". She shakes her head."Its not that its just you growing up so fast". I run up to her and give her a hug and wiped her tears. "Lets go down i don't want to miss the rest of my party".

The party went on great we danced, we played drinking games and im pretty sure somebody brought edibles. Then Lauren walked up to me with a big smirk on her face. She told me to sit on the coach. From there we took selfies and talked for a little bit until the door bell rang.

"PD open up". Damn it the police what are we going to do. This was certainly not going to end well. Most of use are still under age of course this would happen to me. Lauren opens the door and 2 police officers walk in.One of them had blond hair with tan skin while the other had braids in her hair and darker skin. The 2 women looked like they were not playing any games.

"Who is the host of this party"?! One of them yelled i slowly raise my hand and they both walk over to me. Saying that i was scared would be a understatement. I could not even look them in the face if i could i would have seen the big smirk on there faces. I looked around and saw Lauren sitting next to me holding my hand. The music was still playing but then this one song came on. It was beyonce Naughty girl and baby boy remix. I guess this is the song im going out with.

"You have the right to remain"........ She started to take her sunglasses off. "Sexy" She bites her lip and starts to dance

As they soon ended they went with a bang the officer with blond hair straddled my nap putting her hands around my neck. Then she grinds on me all while not losing eye contact. I just stayed there still kind of in shook that this is happening when sh garbed both my hands and placed them on her hips. I was sweating bullets as the whole thing went on. The song is finally over and the room fills with cheer for them.

"Hey do you guys want to stay for the rest of the party"? I turn around and i see Lauren flirting with one of the strippers. Really the only reason she asked them to stay is so she can keep on flirting. I walk into the kitchen looking through my refrigerator when i feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up and its the stripper who danced on me. I may a hard swallow as i look at her.

"So im Dinah and i never got your name beautiful". Apart of me felt like she was just trying to get a tip which kind of pissed me off. "You don't have to say all that you already did your job. She looked at me weird for a second. "I'm not...I wasn't...Ugh i just wanted to talk to you that's it but if your to good for that-" I looked at her for a second and i could see the hurt in her eyes. "Im sorry i did not mean to be well mean". She grow a quick smile and held her hand out. "Lets try this again im Dinah and you are"?

That whole night we spent it in the corner of my house just talking. Talking about the most random stuff you could think of. She felt around 2 but not before i was able to get her number. Soon it was just me and Lauren laying in my bed.

"Thank you Laur". The cake the people the drinks

"For what"?This day that girl

"For throwing me the best birthday ever". She got up and hugged me and that night me and Lauren talked about the party but mostly about the 2 strippers we meet.

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