14-Back to You (part1)

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That was the message lit up on my phone. It was from Dinah. Anxiousness rose within me and I could almost feel it building up in the pit of my stomach as I debated canceling. I'd had an on and off relationship with Dinah for about a year now and we rarely got any alone time together.

Meeting her first time in LA, we'd clicked right away and danced around the idea of being together now and then. We were both free spirits and I think that's what'd attracted us to one another right off the bat. Our personalities were electric and we bounced off of one another so well. Maybe that's why our fights were as bad as they were.

With her touring constantly, it made things harder. Not to mention us being a secret, which was why I was wondering why I was going to pick her up from her hotel right now to spend a night catching up with her.

This was one of my weak moments with her, but I couldn't help it. Deciding it was time to get out of my car that had now been parked, I checked myself in the mirror.I had on a floral romper, finished with a pair of black heels. Letting out a long sigh, I got out of my car with a sense of anxiousness building within me.

Walking into the bar, I see her standing there, looking pretty. My heart rate picks up as I gazed at the brunette in a black velvet dress that hugged her every curve perfectly.

How badly I wanted to run my hands up and down that figure once again. Shaking off the thoughts, I make my way across the crowded floor to approach her. "Hey stranger." I almost immediately regretting my cliché opening for her. It'd been months since we'd seen one another in person and she already had my heart racing as her arms snaked around me for a warm embrace.

"Hey, babe." She in her sultry, as we kept the embrace up for a few moments before she pulled back to look at me. We stood close to one another, talking over the loud music. My eyes kept briefly falling down to gaze at her figure, how the dress clung to her. We were practically centimeters away from one another's faces just to hear the other speak. I was fighting every urge in me not to lean in more and kiss her.

"Do you wanna go outside?" She said over the loud music. Agreeing with a nod of my head, she took my hand and lead me down the hall to and outside. There's still a group of people out there, so conversation is still a bit difficult.

"Let's just go to my car." We tracked off to my car, where we both sat in the front with the radio playing lowly as we caught up, smiling and laughing at old memories.

So that is part one and this is not mine so if you know who it belongs to please comment it thank you loves

Dinah Jane Hansen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now