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The day was gone and the night is set. Me and my wife Camila are on our way home. "babe I had so much fun tonight". I look at her she is a little tipsy but still had a big smile on her face. I smile back at her

"I did too". I push her against a wall pinning her to it "maybe we can continue the fun when we get home". She looks at me for a second then her face changed. She bites her lip and started to check me out.

"I think we should start the fun right here". She bends down un-ziping my pants. I was a little shocked that she did that seeing as one she is not the kind of girl who likes oral and two she would never do this outside of the house. She classy like that.

"Mila no honey not here". I pick her off the ground and dust her off. Her face suddenly saddens. I kiss her pout away and she is happy once again. We walked down the side walk it was about 11:56 and no one was in the streets.


"Hey daddy I made 120 tonight" I ran to my dad and hand him the money with a smile. He counts the money putting it in his pocket then pats my head.

"Good girl now how about we get back out there". I look at him with a sad face.

"But but I thought that we would go home I'm tired and want to see Elle". My dad got an angry look on his face. In a swift motion I feel a sting to my face.

"I said get back out there now" I cry a little and walk back into the street. I was walking for a while not looking at where I was going my mind and eyes felt sad and was filled with tears. I accidentally bumped into some one ending up on the ground. "Oh Dinah look you need to be more careful you hit this girl. I look up and these two beautiful women.

"Oh Hun are you ok"? I look at the shorter one who bent down to my hight. I shiver as she touches my back. Her eyes saddened as she backs away. "Where is your parents"? I look down and start to cry.

"Dinah what do I do"? I look at both of them and decided to speak."I don't have any parents". I look at the ground.

The two women look at each other one looked annoyed while he other one looks hopeful. "Can we keep her please". I look between them a little nervous. "Camila we can't just..." "but Dinah she so cute". I look at myself and then back at them. I look both girls up and down they are so pretty. "Fine". One of the girls jumps up and down excited. She picks me up and spins me. Kind of making me sick.

"You want to come home with me and my girlfriend "? I look at them both confused as hell. "Don't talk much do you"? The shorter one asked. I shake my head as she gives me a huge hug. She smells like peaches and honey.

They took me to their house like all the other customers would but instead of being weird creeps they were loving and sweet. They introduced themselves.

"You can call me Mila or mama if you want" she places her hand on my back and rub is softly and I nod while the the blond one smiles at her girlfriend. I finally get it they want a threesome. "And I'm Dinah but you can call me Dj". Mila looked at her with a glare. "Or mommy if you would like". Dinah rolled her eyes and just walked away. "Do you want a bath and some food". That sounds so nice so I nod as I give her a small hug. She whimpered as I let go making me confused.

She set me up with a warm bath and a hot meal . After that she put me into bed and kisses my forehead. But then Dinah walked in. She sat on my bed and smiled weakly. "I know I haven't been all that nice but I think a nice book is a good start". She used a soft voice with me as she read honestly making me so happy. "Your voice is nice". I whisper as my eyes start to get heavy. I feel her lips in my cheek and I can feel my cheeks heating up.

Dinah POV
After I finished reading to her I can't help but feel a little more attached to the girl. As I walked into me and camila's room I see her naked on our bed. "How you go from mommy of the year to sexy amazes me every time ". I lick my lips as I walk to her. I kiss her lips and start to get naked I straddle her waist and deepen the kiss. "I have been waiting all night for this baby". I moan a little get wetter by the second. Me and Camila were tangled in the sheets when we hear the door open.

I hear them...I hear there live through the walls. I get up and go there room. I open it and see them under the covers. "Can we help you princess" Camila was quick to ask as I walk in. I shake my head and I walk to there bed. The sex is strong in the air and there bodies are all sweaty. "Go back to bed then". I frown and turn around slowly as I hear then whisper. "Uhh actually princess come here you can sleep with us ". I smile and jump in to there talk bed. I lay in the middle and they slowly move in closer I think waiting to see my reaction. I just move in to Mila hugging her close.

"If I knew this would be a threesome I would have dressed differently". Dinah whispers to Mila. Making her giggle softly as they close their eyes for the night.

I don't even know what This is to be honest it was old

Dinah Jane Hansen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now