13-Backstage Incounter

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"Normani you were supposed to wake me up". I'm in the bathroom rushing to get ready for my big sisters performance.

"Sorry but playing NRG center is huge. I forgot y/n".

I'm standing in front our closet not sure what to wear. I thrown on my yellow icarly shirt from back in the day and some black shorts. I grab my house keys and start running out the house as I hear Normani honking her horn. "Bye mom,dad". I jump into her car and buckle up.

"I was about leave, you know that right"? I roll my eyes and lay back in the chair.

Normani ended up ditching me backstage..Good thing I had my book with me. I sit down on something and open my book.

"Hey, do you know who she is?" Dinah asked the girls but kept her gaze on you.

"I'm not sure. I think she's Normani's sister, everyone here seems to know her as they aren't rushing to escort her out."

"Well.." Dinah had air caught in her throat.

"She's beautiful"

"I really want to go talk to her" She said quietly as she hadn't been able to stop staring at your beauty. She was barely able to speak.

You laughed at something your sister said and she felt herself smiling. That was when she knew she had a crush on you and would love to get to know you more.

"She must be amazing." Dinah breathed out, happily sighing.

"Someone's got a crush" Lauren teased as Ally snickered.

They had saw you glance at them and your breath hitched. They of course are so beautiful. Normani had told you much about them and how wonderful they were. You gently waved and smiled at them.

Hopefully you could be friends with them, you didn't have many as you were shy and just because they're famous didn't mean anything. You certainly wouldn't be friends with them for that or just because of it.

"Y/n, go say hi when you get the chance." You blushed, nervous and spoke.

"Uh.. I'm sure they're very busy and they probably don't want-"

Normani yelled over to them, you flinched, embarrassed.

oh no.


"Mani, shh" . Mani drags you over to them and pushes you in front of them.

"Really ?" You sighed.

"Hey I never knew the mani had such a hot little sister". I blush as I hear Lauren speak

"Thanks" You said quietly

You were embarrassed even more now, they probably think you're weird now.

She noticed Dinah still looking at you.

Does she think I'm weird?!

You gave her another wave. Why do I keep doing that? You smiled nervously as your heart beaks fast

They probably think I'm weird..

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