Chapter 17: Balling

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C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n

A doorbell sounded and it brings me out of the grasp of darkness.
I felt my fingers touch something warm and something furry tickling my nose. Opening my eyelids slowly, I taking in the dimly lit surroundings feeling disoriented.

Where was I?
Where was the demon? The sport shed?

A small twitch from underneath my hands startled me. It remind me of the memories of spiders from the frightful dream. I jerked my hands backwards instinctively, and propped myself up on one elbow.

As my vision focused, I slowly see that the thing I had my hands on was Mr. Green's fingers. He'd fallen asleep on the floor in front of me, half leaning his body on the couch that I'd been sleeping on. How tired must he have been to pass out like that? Not to mention, what was he even doing here and not at his desk? Don't tell me I've been mumbling in my sleep again.

I relax slightly, throwing my head back onto the small cushion to catch my breath.
How much time had passed I wondered? Squinting my eyes through the room towards the small clock on the wall, was barely able to make out that it was almost nine. I'd only been asleep sleep for forty minutes. It felt like hours.

Looking at the man in front of me, I instinctively leaned in closer to his hair. It smelt like a mixture of lavender and a clean fruity hair-wash. The fragrance offered some comfort against the rancid odour of the black stick substance in my dream. I shuddered to myself.

It was at that moment the doorbell sounded again. It was real after all. Suddenly I remembered the delivery. It must be our food delivery!

But what if it wasn't? I felt uncomfortable to open the door of someone else's home. Not to mention, the piano room was also on the back of the house. Far away from the front door...
Far away from Jasper, incase something happened.

I shook his sleeping shoulder gently, nudging him awake.
"Mr. Green, wake up."

Mr. Green stirred from his spot and lifted his sleepy head up in confusion. His blue eyes burned at me with such intensity and curiosity, for a second there I almost died in my spot. Thankfully he realised where he was and his eyes visibly softened.

The doorbell rung a few more times.

"Ah," He mumbled in his deep voice, groggily. "The doorbell... I'd better get that." He rose to his feet unsteadily as waves of exhaustion still washed over him. Following his lead, I got up from the couch at the same time when a small blanket dropped off of me and onto the floor. As I picked it up quickly and held it in my hands I tried to remember if I had it before I fell asleep. It was a small little green blanket... I don't think I've seen it before.

Mr. Green was already walking out the room at that point so I put it down on the couch and ran to catch up. I didn't feel like being alone at the moment after being shaken from the dream.

When we got into the landing of the entrance, I stood off towards the side, hidden from view. It probably wasn't a good thing for a weird young girl to open the door with him at this hour. So instead I watched from the sidelines as Mr. Green greeted the delivery man. His hair was messy and disheveled, but his grin was bright.

They talked briefly about the conditions on the road as well as how all the deliveries were going on at the moment. Although the storm had now settled, there was rough clean up to follow. Fallen trees and debris had blown all over town, causing long traffic delays as well as some power outages in some suburbs. Most deliveries were pushed back at least an hour, some even more.

Mr. Green reached down and took a few big notes from his wallet, putting it firmly into the delivery man's hand with nod. It was definitely more than what the meal cost. "Well, you managed to get here in those condition which was more than I can say. Please, keep the change, you've worked hard. Safe journey, thanks again."

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