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Grayson's voice woke me up from my trance.

'Grayson.' I flung my arms around him.

'What happened?'

'Apparently all the families got inside the bunker, but Connor, the patrol.'

Grayson looked down at Connor's head still lying on the floor, his dark curls coated in his own blood.

'Come with me, Lia. Move, sweetheart.'

Grayson supported me to stand up and began walking out of the house. I saw Eric out of the corner of my eyes.

I grabbed Eric by the shirt.

'This has started because of you. He thinks he's Remus, and you initiating the ritual. He thinks he's being called to war, to create an empire.'

Eric looked frozen. Grayson pulled me away, tucking me under his arm.

We walked a short distance to another house. Grayson pushed me inside, and closed the door. He held his arm over my stomach, and listened to the house.

'Nobody's here.'

'What's happening?' I asked, watching Grayson stare out of the window.

'We need to prepare the bodies of the fallen. And get everyone back in their houses and settled. Then we can talk, when your ready, okay?'

'I'm ready now.'

'We should wait for Nate. He will want to hear everything that has happened.'

'It's not just that. I want us to be together.'

'What of Eric?'

'He'll live, if that's what you mean.'

'I don't understand, you accepted him and he came out of the coma.'

'No, I forgave him. That's different.'

'So the death curse, is not about love, it's about forgiveness?'

'Yeah, I mean. It's the only thing that makes sense. Of course, I'd need to forgive. I'm the one who has been wronged, it's in my power to leave and if that is denied, then I hold the power of life and death, just like the Goddess herself.'

'It does sound like something she would be completely up for.'

'If Eric lives, then of course, Lia. There would be nothing else in this world, that could stop me, for wanting to be with you.'

'I know.'

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Grayson's waist. He pulled me closer and I melted. We were interrupted by the quick footsteps outside the house. It was Nate. He came in, looking gray and sad. 

'I'm glad you are okay.' he said, smiling tightly. 

'What a mess!' He rubbed his eyes. 'The patrol that Connor led were completely wiped out. It's a miracle that the others found safety before they could attack. I should have seen this. I should have been here.'

'We all should have,' said Grayson. 'Is there anything more about the false intel?'

Nate laughed, actually laughed. I knew then, he wasn't okay.

'It was John Vincent's intel. Was supposed to have come from a trusted informant, someone he knew from the old days. He literally told us to go and then waited here to kill everyone.'

Raptio: The Ritual Abductions of Humans by WerewolvesWhere stories live. Discover now