The Hand that Bears His Ring

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•F/N: Full Name

Your POV:

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Oddly enough, the festival has been mostly pleasurable so far. The King had purchased a delicious, cherry pastry covered in a light helping of glaze for me after I requested it. Though I did not care for how it looked like it was bleeding once I bit into it, the taste was enough to cancel out any foul reminders of murder. It was soft, like a fresh, warm roll, and shaped like a bun. Even his majesty had decided to indulge after seeing the delight on my face after I took the first bite. Afterwards, there was a bit more dancing, which I was reluctant to take part in. Honestly, I was surprised he even wanted to after the prior times when I had stepped on his feet.

"To practice will make you better," he had stated when I brought this up in an attempt to make up an excuse to say no. I could've done without the intense staring as our feet traveled around the square from both him and the people around us. At least he hasn't spoken much ever since I came out of the restroom, but a part of me found that unnerving as well. After a few songs, I had hoped we would rest for a bit; rather, when the band went on break, his majesty linked his arm with me and brought me over to the stage. Dread washed over me like a mountainous wave when I realized he was about to announce our engagement. My knees began to shake as we ascended the few steps to get on it, and my heart felt like a ticking bomb about to explode.

'He's doing this now? I'm not ready. What do I say? What do I do, if anything at all? I don't even want to get married!' I withhold the urge to cry, taking short breaths to try and calm myself. The guards join us, some standing at the back of the stage, while others stationed themselves at the front to keep the crowd back as they gathered to hear what the King would say after a guard loudly called for quiet and attention. Once everything is silent and we stood center stage, King Noah spoke in a loud and clear voice so that everyone could hear him.

"I'm am very glad to see my kingdom so joyous on this day. I have had the privilege to enjoy my birthday with all my loyal subjects for the first time in all my years. I must say, it has indeed been a pleasure to experience, but I am not up here today to speak about the day of my birth or how wondrous a celebration this has been thus far. I am standing here to share the most splendorous news." The crowd was left in suspense as the King gave pause and gestured to me with the happiest of smiles, causing my body to become as stiff as a board. It is always astounding to see his demeanor change so sharply, like he was able to mask every ounce of madness behind his eyes to give me such a look of fondness.

"You might have noticed that I have been in the company of this lovely woman here since my arrival. There is a purpose to that." With me so paralyzed by the eyes of the crowd, I did not react to him taking my hand in a tender grip while intertwining the fingers. "Her name is F/N, and she is the person I've decided to share the rest of my life with." He raises our hands, giving them all a view of the exquisite ring I had wanted to rip off my finger since the moment it had been placed.

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