Monster in a Crown

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•E/C: Eye Color
•L/N: Last Name

King Noah's POV:

King Noah's POV:_____________________________

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I can't resist smiling to myself in amusement at the thought of the L/N girl trying to bathe my dear pet, Weston. No doubt she's having a tough time with him. He has never been kind to his bathers. Oh, how badly I wish to have seen the look on her face when she was given the order. I bet she was frightened half to death, her eyes wide and mouth agape. Such expressions are humorous to me. I feel giddy just thinking about it.

'I bet she was petrified!' I release a daunting chortle, unnerving a few of the guards on duty in the throne room, not that I care.

'I wonder if he bit off a finger or two? Ah, speak of the devil.' I straighten my posture and grin when my beloved pet and his escort enter the room. I could care less for the man. I don't even know his name even though he has been the lion's walker for nearly three years now, though, I see no point in learning the names of my servants anyways. Most don't last long. The farm girl, on the other hand, her name has been burning in my brain ever since last night, though, that's only because she's now my new plaything.

'Finally, some details!' I could hardly keep myself composed. I feel so excited, I might burst!

"Well, how did it go?" I ask, my smirk widening into a crazed smile. The man bows deeply to me before stuttering his reply.

"S-She actually did fairly well." At that, my smile falls into a slight pout.

'How disappointing.'

"Anything else?" I ask in a bitter tone through gritted teeth, my mood souring. And I was having such a wonderful morning. The escort nods his head, smartly keeping his gaze off me.

"S-She has also requested me t-to ask if... if.." he trails off, his shoulders tensing in fear as I shoot him murderous glare.

"Spit it out!" I snap, the anticipation quickly getting on my nerves.

'How difficult can it be to finish a proper sentence?' My shout causes the man to flinch before he swallows hard.

"S-She w-w-wants to know if W-Weston can have a treat for... for behaving s-so well." The room falls silent as I lean back in my elaborate chair, my fingers tapping on the golden armrest in an intimidating way.

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