The King's Dance

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When the carriage stopped, the door opened for us with the announcement of our arrival. To my relief, his majesty finally let me leave his lap, though he quickly stole my hand to assist me out, holding it firmly as if to ensure I would not take off the moment my feet hit the ground. He had even squeezed it in warning, which caused me to let out a small noise in discomfort.

"Behave yourself, farm girl. Don't let me catch you sneaking off. You are not to stray from my side, am I understood?" Knowing it would be unwise to disregard the underlying threat in his voice, I nod my head, and we set off. Weston is kept securely on a leash held by an armored handler, who looks to be very strong, while behind us trails the king's guards with the exception of the two in front of us.

The crowd swiftly steps out of their path, gasping and awing at the fact the King made an appearance for his birthday celebration as they respectfully lowered their heads. In time, we come across the town square, where musicians play away at their fiddles, guitars, accordions, drums and flutes on a large stage. The surrounding storefronts and homes are all dressed in white, silk banners, don the flag of their kingdom and display a wide variety of purple flowers from lilacs to violet, tulips to lavenders, all accented by white bellflowers and baby's breath. Hung up on every door is a bundle of lavender wrapped in white ribbon tied into a bow. Even the stage and lampposts are all decorated accordingly with silk and flowers, who's fragrance pleasantly overpowered the square, mixing with the delicious aroma of pastries sold out of vendor's carts.

All the attendees are dressed to the nines in their best wear and jewelry, as it is a special occasion, dancing, singing and laughing. It was a such a familiar sight. My family had often brought me to the festival when I was younger, though I haven't been for a long while. I could feel a sense of nostalgia fog my mind from the music, the smells and even the warm, summer sun. It was nearly enough to bring me to tears... Even more so when I recalled who brought me here.

Almost immediately, my heart sank, and it took everything in me not to ruin the experience by looking over at him. I'm sure any of the folks here would be honored to attend the party with the King, but after all I've been through with him, how could I possibly be cheerful? Still, I held my head up high and forced a smile, as he had told me to do, not wanting to spoil his good mood. Though it might seem hard to believe, his majesty has many fans in the kingdom; in fact, many believe he's one of the best rulers of our time. He gets things done, I'll give him that, but his methods... I bet they'd all change their minds at the drop of a hat if they saw his true self, if they saw the way he had treated me and the rest of his servants.

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