A Lion's Rose of Tattered Thorns

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     My torso was constricted by the King's arms, the firmness of his grip disturbing my sleep and forcing a groan from my lips. It was a struggle to open my eyes. It was still early morning. The sun was barely awake itself, its orange light bleeding in through the bars on the windows and casting shadows across the floor. My neck felt stiff as it turned to face the man confining me. It took only a matter of seconds to realize he was shaking, and his breathing was a touch heavy. As much as I despise Noah, my heart never failed to sink whenever he had his nightmares.

     I am only human, after all. Perhaps he deserves none of my sympathy, but regardless, I am not the type of person who likes seeing others in pain. The feeling only worsened now that I know the true cause of the night terrors, accompanied by a sickly twist of the gut. My parents were kind people, so it's hard to imagine why his father would perform such atrocities to his own son. I could tell as he spoke that the torment must've extended past what he had told me. A part of me wondered if he'd be open about that as well, but in due time, I suppose. I fear what else he might unveil of his past if it is as horrendous as what he told me last night.

     "No, please." The man whimpered, begging softly as his breathing quivered. His hands squeezed me harder, painfully so. I suppose I should try to comfort him before I pop. With a bit of a struggle, I managed to turn myself over fully, wincing occasionally as his nails dug into my back because of the movement. I pushed at the back of his head, cradling him against my shoulder, which caused him to flinch and cling to my nightdress with white knuckles.

     "It's alright, Noah. It isn't real. It's just nightmares. No one can hurt you now." I used the same gentle tone I had back then, before this whole mess got out of hand, when I was just a maid waking him for his morning baths. He had admitted the true reason of why he claimed to love me, that I am his safe space. I now had something I could work with. That little piece of understanding was enough to tell me how I could get by. Before I thought it was pure lunacy that made him want to marry me, that he just found enjoyment in my misery and I was nothing but a plaything.

     While I still believe a part of that is true, I do find some solace in knowing that there was deeper reasoning. I still care nothing for the King. He is crazy, but so long as I can find some understanding, some way to reach his humanity, I can work with it. Underneath that monster is a scared boy who was driven crazy by the way he was treated and raised in his youth. There may be hope for this kingdom and myself yet if I can play things just right. For the good of the people, I have made this sacrifice and will play the role bestowed upon me.

     "The only one here is me." Noah trembled as I brushed through his hair with my fingers, the silky blue locks sliding between them like ocean waves. I continue on, aware of how my touch manages to calm his fears, touching the portions of his face that were not pressed up and hidden against me. I smoothed his darker brows and rubbed soft circles on his feverish, yet pale, cheeks. "Wake up, Noah."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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