Special Surprise

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•Y/N: Your Name
•L/N: Last Name

Alton's POV:

_______________________________Alton's POV:_______________________________

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'This is the place.' I look up from the envelope in my hand, which has this address listed on it, to reveal the humble home. There seemed to be quite a bit of smoke damage to its exterior, revealing they had a fire, but honestly, that did not surprise me. His majesty's knights are all as unhinged as he is. Fortunately, it seems to have been rebuilt in certain areas, where the damage had been too great.

I knock on the door twice with the back of my hand before lowering my mask to appear less threatening. It is only moments later when an older woman pulls open the door, and she lets out a small shriek upon seeing my uniform, an expected response. Just as she was about to slam the door shut, I wedged my foot in the threshold, but hardly gave a wince in response to the pain that shot up my leg. I've dealt with far worse in the past. Being much stronger than her, I was able to pry open the door with ease, causing her to back away in fear, which dampened my mood. I never really was one for good manners. I try to calm her by putting up my hands and keeping a good distance between us.

"Easy, now, easy! I mean you no harm, truly. This is about Y/N," I say hurriedly, hoping the mention of her daughter's name would sedate her, and luckily, it did. Her posture seemed to relax a bit, though she still remains on edge as her husband enters the room.

"What's going on?! I heard screaming!" He froze upon seeing me and gave a fear-filled gaze, same as his wife.

"As I was saying, I have a message, here, from your daughter," I explain so that he'd know the situation before holding out the letter towards the man. He seemed hesitant to take it, but does so before reading the contents. His eyes ran left to right many times quickly, as if he were skimming, and gave a sigh of relief as he reached the end of it.

"Well, what is it? Is she okay? Did something happen?" fusses the mother as she gives her husband a worried look. Clearly, they had no idea what was happening with Y/N since they had separated.

"She's fine. She says she's doing well, regardless of all the hardships the King is putting her through. She says she'll have our debts paid off in no time and that she misses us," he sums up with a faint smile, and the woman does the same while holding a hand over her chest.

"Oh, thank goodness. I had been so worried." The man nods in agreement before referring back to the letter, then looking at me.

"So, your name is Alton, then?" He inquires, which took me a little by surprise, but I nod nonetheless, feeling a strange warmth fluttering within my gut.

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