Sins of a Father

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⚠️ ! WARNING ! ⚠️

This chapter involves conversations of Noah's past traumas, the contents of which might be triggering for some readers, so proceed with caution. I tried to be sparing with details, but the topic alone can be unpleasant. I'm sure you are aware of the situation, since you have read the past chapters, but to be safe, I'll say it again. This chapter specifically discusses sexual trauma, so if it's hard for you to get through, please skim past.

Thank you for listening.


•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

————————————————________________________________Author's POV:________________________________

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     The luxurious golden band fit around her finger much better than the previous. It was dainty, but no less gorgeous than the lotus he had proposed with and was set with the finest diamond in his possession. She wished such a lovely piece could've come from another source, from a lover who was kinder and more caring than the king, someone gentle and sweet, like Dallas, or brave and easy to talk to as Alton had been, but alas, her wretched fate was sealed with the devil himself, the cruel and sadistic ruler. The wedding was fast, a blur, really. She barely comprehended any of the words spoken from the priest or took in what either of them were wearing for the big day. All she could fuss about was what comes after. However, it's come to a point she couldn't help wondering. Three weeks had passed since the ceremony. Three whole weeks, and not once has Noah forced himself on her. It was one of the major things she had dreaded after their union, yet nothing has gone further than small kisses, and it was shocking to find that even those came few and far between.

     At first, Y/N summed it up to Noah being too occupied with trying to fix the mess he made of his country and cooking up an excuse to tell the public of how he rationalized his carnage, but this didn't feel like the true reason, and she couldn't get over it. Was he trying to torture her with the fact it can happen at any moment without warning? That's what it felt like to her, but again, something felt off about how he was acting. Ever since she returned, there had been noticeable changes, some more subtle than others.

     To recount the events of the past three weeks, after the ceremony, they had changed rooms. Noah's had been left in such a disastrous state, he came to the decision that it would be better to move his things into the room she had previously occupied, the very room his mother was once kept in many years ago. The bars on the windows eased his paranoia. She could not leave him again. If she left, he'd only delve further into his madness, as though that were even possible, but he was certain that if she escaped again, his last thread would snap, and not even her returning to him could correct it. He was uncharacteristically quiet most times, only adding to the unease. Somehow, it was more unbearable than his unpredictable temper tantrums. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, if he was plotting or merely lost in the vast and twisted recesses of his dark mind. He was dazed, a walking corpse with a habit of staring at her as if she'd be gone the very moment he blinked.

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