Horrible Reality

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'Dear god, what happened? What did I do to deserve this? Why are they all dead? Is this my fault? Did I make a mistake without even realizing it? How could he kill them?' I was so struck with terror, my mind couldn't even comprehend what I was looking at as I fell to my knees, out of the King's hold.

I could not stop the sobs that ripped through my throat as I stared into those glossy eyes forever etched with fear. The heads were all lined in a row before the throne, stabbed straight through the skulls, whose jaws hung open in permanent terror. My father's eyes were pierced with daggers, still lodged in the sockets, while my mother's left one hangs by the bundle of nerves, still connecting it to where it once was, dangling grotesquely. Moving slowly, I turn my head to look behind me at the man responsible for their deaths, his figure blurred by the blinding tears.

"W... Why?" My question came out in a quiet breath, and I could not add anymore to it without my voice breaking. I could not see his expression as he peered down at me, nor did he voice an answer right away. My hands clench into fists as I turn back to my dead friend and family.

'Mom, dad, Alton, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I have done wrong, but I am sorry. I failed you. I failed you all. I deserve death for my folly.' Sobbing viciously, I bow my head to them as if I were begging for forgiveness.

"You seem so surprised. After all, this was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm impressed with you, girl; you truly have outlived my expectations." Each step of his heeled boot produced a click upon the floor, loud and echoing, sending shivers throughout my body. "But, I knew that one day you would ultimately fail." When his shoes came into my line of sight, I gazed up, thankful that he had shielded my vision from the heads of my loved ones.

There was a smug smirk on his lips that filled me with rage. In that moment, I wanted to do many things: punch him, shout at him, heck, even killing him had crossed my mind in that instant, yet my body refused to move. That aura of his, it is the same as the one I had sensed on that first meeting, when I was brought to this very room. It is dark and powerful. I found myself paralyzed in his presence.

"B... B- But what... What did I do? I don't understand." I hiccup and whimper, peering back down at the floor as I shakily bring up my hand to wipe my eyes. I hear him click his tongue at me, almost scoldingly.

"You really think you're innocent here? Don't make me laugh." I didn't have to look up to know his smirk had widened. I had heard it loud and clear in the tone of his voice. "Well, allow me to shed some light. Truth of the matter is, you were fraternizing with one of my assassins, a specially trained, deadly killer. I couldn't have any of them getting sidetracked, especially by a mere woman, and boy, was it clear he was smitten." There was a low growl to his voice that added to my trembling as I curled up even more. "Getting distracted in that line of work is something no one benefits from, and it isn't like he was innocent either. I heard he's been flirting with many a maid in my investigation." A silent gasp escaped me, this news putting a strangle on my heart.

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