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I woke up early, my limbs still tangled around Jackson as I cracked my eyes open. I shuffled out of bed to the toilet, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I checked on Jackson after I got ready. He was still asleep, his arms wrapping around a pillow now, his light snores filling the room. I smiled, laying a kiss on his forehead before heading out of the room.

"Good morning Aunty. Would you like some help?" I asked, heading into the kitchen. Jackson's mom was preparing some breakfast and smiled as I entered the kitchen.

"I couldn't. You're our guest" she laughs, batting my hands away. It took me sometime to convince her before she finally agreed, allowing me to help her here and there. We made some small talk, slowly getting into a routine as I handed her ingredients to cook and cleaned up after.

I didn't notice Jackson's father as he stood in the kitchen doorway watching us. It wasn't until we were done cooking that I spotted him.

"Good morning Uncle" I greeted, my head bowing low.

"Let's talk" he nodded. He cleared his throat, looking away as I looked up. I watched as Jackson's mom said something in Cantonese, frowning at his dad. He replied something and she nodded, her eyebrows scrunched together as she watched him.

"Come on" his dad beckoned. He led the way through the back of the house, heading out to their garden.

There were pebbles strewn around, large slabs of cement that paved a walkway to a small fountain by the side. Many different flowers were blooming in the bushes, their scents mixing in the morning air. I twisted my hands behind my back, watching his back waiting as he stood facing the fountain.

He was quiet for awhile, his gaze trained on the fountain as I stood behind him. He sighed before he started talking with his back to me.

"It's hard. Knowing that your son. Has. Different preferences. You should know that I don't approve of you two. I don't know who started what. But I can't accept it" Jackson dad said.

"Is this it?" I thought to myself. I knew that I should say something, anything. The lump in my throat stopped me, I couldn't help the tear that escaped, my hand quickly reaching up to brush it away as I bit my lips in frustration.

"But I can tell. You're good for him. You're a good boy. I always knew when you were friends. I just can't accept it. At least not yet" he continued, turning to face me.

I kept quiet and nodded, not trusting my voice with my gaze trained on the floor. I hid my trembling hands behind my back, interlacing them as he took in my stance.

I stood stock still as he approached me, closing my eyes and waiting. I didn't know what I was waiting for, but I definitely didn't expect him to pull me in for a loose hug.

"You're like a son to me too. You all are. I'm just old. And traditional. Give me some time" he reasoned, gripping my shoulders as he released me.

"Thank you" I nodded, my eyes brimming up. I couldn't help the tears that escaped as I cried quietly. One day he would at least. A small step for us. Finally. He patted my shoulder awkwardly as he stepped back.

"Jinyoung" I heard Jackson shout as he entered the garden, pulling me close into his arms. He tucked me under his shoulder, burying my face in his neck as he started shouting about something in Cantonese.

He was breathing heavily as he held me close, his grip tight around my waist. I shook my head, my tears still flowing as I reached up to cover his mouth with my hand. His dad kept quiet, watching us interact.

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