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I had finished my shower and was going into the kitchen when I heard Jinyoung's laughter. I don't know why but I froze at the doorway, not knowing what to do when I saw Jinyoung throw his arms around Mark and holding him close.

"Thank you" Jinyoung said, smiling as he continued to hold Mark. I watched as Mark hugged him back, the two of them locked in that close embrace for what felt like eternity before letting go.

I knew Jinyoung loves his hugs, but I can't help but feel jealous too... right? I leaned against the doorway as I continued to watch them, not knowing how to respond when Jinyoung looked up.

"Ja...ack" Mark stuttered, he looked like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar as he looked at me.

I nodded, not knowing how to respond. I'm such an idiot sometimes. I smiled to myself, looking downwards as I closed my eyes briefly. Must be the fatigue kicking in, I thought as I went to the sink to wash my mug.

"Jinyoung, could you leave us for a moment?" I asked, placing the mug on the rack. I turned around to look at Jinyoung, holding his gaze before looking down at my hands. I don't even know why I should feel awkward here. I just want to talk to Mark... about I don't know what.

"Okay..." Jinyoung replied. I heard him exit the kitchen, his footsteps echoing down the hall but definitely not entering his room.

"Go to bed, I know you're there" I called out as I didn't hear his room door open. I smiled to myself as I heard him sigh before hearing his room door open and close. I peeked out into the hall before beckoning to Mark.

I led him to my room, holding the door open for him to enter first.

"So... what's up?" he asked, his expression serious as he spun around to face me, his arms folded across his chest. He's actually pretty terrifying when he gets into his serious modes.

"Thank you for looking after Jinyoung when I'm not around" I started, looking down at my hands and twisting my fingers together.

"I don't know why I got jealous" I continued, glancing up to check on his expression. Thank God, he's unfolded his arms.

"I er... also. I saw. When you two were in Japan. I woke up when you picked Jinyoung's phone up" I muttered, looking up to face Mark.

"What?" Mark asked, leaning forward. I wasn't sure if he didn't hear me or if he was asking what I saw.

What I saw... well, I would be a thick wooden block if I didn't understand the gaze he used when he was looking at me through the phone. But I don't think bringing it up would be a good thing...

"Just. Thank you. Especially when you all were in Japan. Looking after Jinyoung" I ended lamely, running a hand through my hair.

"Hey man, it was nothing" Mark laughed, elbowing me as he stood nearer.

"You got me worried there for a moment there" he continued, switching to stand beside me as we both leaned against the wall.

"I know. It made me worried too." I snorted in response, smiling at him as I tilted my head to face him.

"As I was telling Jinyoung, I'm happy for the both of you" Mark added quietly, his arm brushing against mine as crossed his arms.

"Thank you" I smiled, nodding as I stared into his determined gaze. Mark smiled back as we looked at each other for a while before I broke the silence.

"Let's go get Jinyoung before he combusts" I smiled, kicking myself off from the wall.

"Should we prank him?" Mark laughed, nudging me as we approached his door.

"Deal" I nodded, smiling to myself before nodding towards Jinyoung's door.

As Mark reached to open Jinyoung's door, I pulled it back shut and smiled, knowing that Jinyoung would jump out of his room.

"I wasn't done" I said, fake glaring at Mark. Cue Jinyoung coming out of his room in 3... 2... 1...

"Yeah well, you don't make sense" Mark responded, folding his arms and glaring back at me.

"Because you weren't listening" I argued, placing my hands on my hips.

"I don't care. Why did you even have to ask Jinyoung to leave?"

"Don't drag him into this" I argued, gesturing at Jinyoung while taking a step towards Mark.

"Guys..." Jinyoung gasped, grabbing my arm to pull me back. I slipped my arm out of his grip as I took another step towards Mark.

"Stop!" Jinyoung shouted, shoving himself between the two of us, placing his palms on both our chests.

I laughed, failing to hold it in anymore as I wrapped my arms around them both, trapping Jinyoung in the middle as he looked up at me in shock. Mark laughed along as he too threw his arms around me, squishing Jinyoung.

"Now, wasn't that fun?" Mark teased as we released Jinyoung, watching his face turn redder as he turned to hide in my chest.

"No. Meanies." he mumbled, his arms clinging tightly around my neck.

"Goodnight!" Mark called, laughing as he entered his room, leaving the two of us in the hall.

I cupped the back of Jinyoung's thighs, lifting him as I opened his room door and carried him in.

"I really thought something happened" he muttered, his arms and legs still locked around me like a koala as I walked to his bed.

"We're okay. I just. Well, I got jealous that I can't be with you all of the time, but he can" I said, untangling him as I kneeled on his bed. I smiled tentatively as I looked at him, his face and ears were still red as he looked up, smiling back slightly.

"I don't know why but you seemed so far away just now" Jinyoung whispered, cupping my face in his hands.

"I'm here" I replied, placing my palms over his hands as I smiled at him.

"I know. But there are times when you really seem so far away"

"Close your eyes" I said, as I removed his hands from my face, placing his right hand over my heart.

"This. This is yours" I continued, releasing his wrist and pressed his palm against my chest "Feel how fast it beats? Well, that's because of you".

"I can't feel it if you're not next to me though" Jinyoung smiles, his eyes still shut.

Placing my palm over his heart, I whispered "Then, always feel this" as I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it!!! I'll try to update soon (: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND COMMENTS AGAIN. ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for even reading. xxx.

PS. Jackson also looks so fluffy here I can't. eep.

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