Chapter 3

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When everyone was done eating my phone beeped.

Chelsea: could you please take Sandra tonight Jamie. I need to go to my moms... You know how she is.

Me: yeah I'll take her see you at the house.

"We gotta go guys." I said as Jacky picked up a sleeping Zach as I got Kelley. We paid for our food as we left. "We babysitting Sandra?" "Mhm." I said as I knew he rolled his eyes. "Come on Jacky she's Zach's cousin." He pulled over and stopped the car. "Jaime I don't want to do this anymore if she wants anyone to babysit get RONNIE to do it he is Sandra's father." I scoffed as he started home again. I bit my lip as he got Zach out and took him with him. He got into his car buckled Zach in and left.


This happens every fucking time with us Jaime gives in to Chelsea and we end up baby sitting I'm done with it. I went to Ronnie's as he opened the door. I got Zach and I out as I went inside. "Hey I guess it's the same type of argument as last time." I nodded as he let me in. "What's going on?" I heard Max say as I waved. "Another fight?" I nodded. They sighed as I put Zach in his crib he shifted bit but slept well. I kissed his cheek "sleep well baby boy." I shut off the light N left the door open. "When did you guys leave?" "Right after you did." I nodded.


I got Kelley into the house as I just had tears running down my face after a while Chelsea came in the house. "Another fight about Sandra and I?" I nodded as she sighed. "He hates us that much?" "No he wants her to be with her father he says that she needs it." Chelsea rolled her eyes as I shrugged. "Sandra is in Kelleys crib with her." I nodded as I she left I went into my room putting the baby monitors on as I look at jacky and I's wedding picture I smiled it was a happy time why did things have to change in a year?

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