Chapter 18

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~One Year Later~

I looked out of the window of the plane. Grandma and grandpa are sending Kelley and I back. I guess they couldn't handle us; my sisters head was resting on my shoulder. Some part of me hopes to remember. You see in the year I was gone I was bullied and got in a wreck. I have bits and pieces coming back to me but I'm not too entirely too sure.

When we landed my sister and I got off as we got our bags. "Who is picking us up?" I asked as she looked at me. "Well I think Kellin." "Who?" I asked as she sighed. "Hey guys!!" "That's Kellin." I nodded. "Uuuhhh..." "My brother was in a wreck and lost some of his memory he gets sensitive when he starts to remember or you push too hard." Kellin nodded.

I feel like I was supposed to remember something but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Let's go. Your dad won't be here for a while. We nodded, Kellin called someone named Katelynne told her my situation. I watched the houses as we passed by.

"Copeland I love you!" I watched her giggle softly. "Promise?" She said quietly as her soft brown hair got blown in her face. "I promise with my heart and soul that I will love you Copeland Quinn forever." She giggled softly. "Zachy?" I looked her in the eyes. "Yeah Coco?" She smiled softly. "Don't ever leave me. Your my knight in armor. My everything; the one person I can count on till I die." "Copeland why would I leave you. Your my princess my queen." She blushed a little. I pushed her on the swing. "Promise me something?" I said to her as she looked at me. "Anything?" "That we will never end up like my parents." "I promise Zachy."

-end of flashback-

I seen we were parked at a house. I got out I seen Copeland with a guy with his arm around her shoulders. I was quiet as she looked at me; "Zach this is..," "I know I remember..," I said as. He showed me to my room. I locked the door as I crawled into bed. I just laid there. After I remembered I hoped she didn't forget about me. I turned on my iPhone as I put on Breathless by Asking Alexandria.

I decided to get up n take a shower.


Dad said he had a surprise for me but he didn't tell me it was Zachary. I still have my tattoo for him; my boyfriend now doesn't understand. Zachary I love him...I never stopped. My boyfriend looked at me "I'm done!!! You are always thinking about him!!" I looked at him. "Yeah I do!! I still love him." I seen Kelley walk in. "Leave. You just broke up with her." He left as she looked at me.

"Let's talk." I sighed and nodded. We sat in silence I decided to be the first to talk. "Why did Zachary say he remembered me?" She sighed. "He was in a wreak and lost part of his memory. He is slowly remembering he is having a rough time." We both got silent as we heard, "fool me once shame on you fool me twice and let the wolves come"

Jamie and I got divorced nothing can fix what she did I gave her chances and chances. I had a call from my mom saying that she needed Zachy and Kelley out of her house. Zachy is having a bad time remembering. I am on my way to get them with Willow and Ronnie. I guess after all this time Crissy and Ronnie found peace and are together again. I am happy for them. I worry sometimes though don't think Willow likes the idea of them together.

-skipping a day n 1/2-
We finally get to Kellin's I saw a depressed Copeland outside as Willow went straight to her. I seen the door open and Kelley seen me, she looked worried; "dad Zachary Needs you. He won't let anyone in his room." I ran inside. I seen Kellin try and get in. "Zachy it's dad." I said as he opened the door. It looks like he had been crying... "She lied to me...she broke her promise..." I hugged him. "She only did it cause she missed you and didn't know if you were coming back." He looked at me. "Trust me." He nodded. 'Am I trying to fool him...or myself...' Is the last thing I thought.

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