chapter 21

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This house was beautiful a perfect ending to the night Zach planned everything perfectly. I went into the bedroom that Zachy told me was ours. It was huge the walls were painted red, there was a big dresser with a TV on it. I looked at the bed which had white roses on it. He is still romantic. I smiled to myself as I felt arms wrapped around me. I turned to see Zach. "This...this is perfect Zachary. You really spoil me." He smiled. He kissed me softly; "your dad put your clothes in the dresser left side is mine right side is yours." I nodded hugging him. He put on music and the first song was 'A Match Into Water.' I giggled "I'm going to shower " he nodded kissing me once more before I went into the bathroom. The bathroom was big too walk in shower a separate bath. I started the shower as I stripped down. I bite my lip but just got into the shower.

I looked into the eyes of an angry husband, "why do you always do this Jamie right before I get them to forgive you. You just bust in. Damn it." I looked down at my feet "I'm sorry" I mumbled. "Like sorry fixes this anymore Jamie sorry doesn't fix our broken marriage our kids. For god sakes! I had to FORCE myself to let my mother have the kids for a year so we could fix us." I knew he did what he had to do for the kids...for us. I should have listened. I looked Jacky he was pacing. "Go home pack I have a two bedroom apartment picked out for us. Jinxx can travel here or figure it out Jamie." I nodded walking to my car.

'The Arms Of Sorrow' by Killswitch Engage came on as I looked down. I laid back on the bed as I listened to the music I heard the shower stop. I got up going to the window I seen snow, it was calming just like rain at grandmas. I heard the door open. "Sorry I forgot clothes." I looked out the window some more as I felt hands on my face. I seen Copeland in a towel as I blushed. She smiled at me. "Zach I'm yours you can look at me. Now and forever. Its not like we are going to split any time soon." I nodded. "I was just thinking." I told her softly as as looks at me worried. "What about?" "Forgiving my mom." She nodded at me. "Everyone needs their mother babe." I nodded as I kissed her. She smiled in the kiss as she kissed me back. "Scorpion." She mumbled "cope cope" I said making her giggle and scrunch her nose.

I laughed, "I love you so much Copeland." She smiled, "I never stopped loving you Zachary." I chuckled. He went into the bathroom closing the door. I went into Zachy's side grabbing a shirt.

-short Copeland pov-
I picked up all the flower peddles throwing them away, I pulled the blanket back as I smiled 'our bed' I thought. I heard my phone ring, I picked it up, "hey dad." "Enjoying your night?" I smiled more. "Yes I am dad. Its been perfect. Thank you daddy." He chuckled. "I will see you before school. Your mom Jacky and I will be there before school." "Okay dad goodnight." "Night" I hung up as I sighed happy. When Zachy came out he had his towel wrapped around him. I smiled as he got his boxers on. He shut off the light and got into bed. I snuggled into him.
*end of the pov-

-Zachy pov-

I was asleep when my phone went off, I grabbed it, "hello?" "Your sister and Rocket are in the hospital they were caught in the bad snow storm last night. I tried calling you all night." I jumped up as I woke Copeland. "Are they okay?" "Your sister had to have surgery and Rocket just has a concussion." "Text me the hospital and we will be there." I hung up as Copeland. "What happen." "Rocket and my sister got caught in the storm last night they were in a crash or something my sister had to have surgery and Rocket has a concussion." She jumped up getting a pair of her plain white skinnies and I put my black skinnies and a Asking Alexandria tee on. Copeland ran outside while I got my Converse on. "Cars started." She yelled I finally got my converse on and grabbed my hoodie and jacket putting them both on.

"I should have told her to get in the car with us. But her and Rocket where having so much fun." I mumbled as I was hugged. "No one knew it was going to turn into a storm. We locked up the house my windshield was defrosted and we left. We got to the hospital my sister and rocket where at and got out; Copeland took my hand as we walked inside. I seen dad as he sighed, "She is awake and is asking for you two." I nodded as we followed dad to her room. We walked in as I hugged her. "I'm so sorry Kel." She sobbed, "It's my fault I should have went with you." She said softly. "I love you sis. You and Rocket have the downstairs in the house. Just tell us if you need anything. I will have to give you guys rides." She nodded. "I'm not getting out of here any time soon." She tried to smile. Copeland and I sat with her and talked for a while, "I am thinking about forgiving mom." Kelley said as I looked at her, "You too huh?" She nodded, "We need her in our life but we will set ground rules for her.

1. No hugging or kissing

2. don't force us to do anything

3. No questions asked." I nodded in agreement. "We have to go dad wants to see you alright, Rocket will be in soon too." She nodded as I kissed her head. "Get better soon little sister." "School?" She mumbled. I nodded. "Yeah school." She sighed, "get my homework and a doctors note." she said as I nodded. "I will sis I will." we walked out, "Can I get a doctors note for my sister she and I are starting a new school." They nodded as the nurse handed me one. "They also contacted the school but just in case." I nodded, "Thank you." She just smiled as Copeland and I headed to school. When we got to school Copeland showed me the office. I got my schedule. "Oh here." I said as I handed them the note. "Ah your sister. Alright well I will have her homework ready by the time school is over." I nodded as Copeland took my schedule. "We have all of our classes together." She said excited as she hugged me. I laughed but kissed her softly. "Let's head to class." She nodded excited as we headed off to English. "Oh boy." I mumbled making her laugh. "Senior year with my soon to be wife this is going to be fun."

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